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Bath Half Marathon, Various Roads, Bath

Temporary Traffic Regulation Order
Date published
Section 16a of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984
TTRO restriction type
Temporary prohibition of use by pedestrians
Temporary prohibition of use by vehicles
Temporary suspension of bus gate

Notice is given that the Bath and North East Somerset Council in exercise of its powers under section 16A of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 has made an order the effect of which will be to temporarily: -


  1. Close to pedestrians, vehicles and cycles the roads and lengths of roads, excluding footways, specified in Schedule 1 to this Notice between the dates and times specified in column 3 of Schedule 1;

  2. Introduce No Loading or Waiting Restrictions on the roads and lengths of road specified in Schedule 2 to this Notice between the dates and times specified in column 3 of Schedule 2 and suspend any current provisions to wait or park on these roads or lengths of roads;

  3. Close to pedestrians the footways and lengths of footway specified in Schedule 3 to this Notice between the dates and times specified in column 3 of Schedule 3, except for access;

  4. Suspend between 0600 hours and 1830 hours on Sunday 16th March 2025 The Bath and North East Somerset Council (Various Roads, Bath) (Bus Lanes) (Variation) Order 2013 as varied insofar as it relates to the bus lane on High Street / Northgate Street;

  5. Close to vehicles, between 0900 hours and 1700 hours on Sunday 16th March 2025, except for buses and coaches requiring access to the bus station, the length of St James’s Parade to vehicles in a southerly direction from the junction with Dorchester Street to its junction with Broad Quay; 

  6. Suspend between 0900 hours and 1700 hours on Sunday 16th March 2025 The Bath and North East Somerset Council (Various Roads, Bath) (Rossiter Road Area) (One-way) (Prohibition of Entry) (Prohibition of left and right turns) (Prohibition of use by vehicles of over 7.5 Tonnes Maximum Gross Weight Variation) Order 2015 and The Bath and North East Somerset Council (Various Roads, Outer Area, Bath) (General Traffic Circulation) (Consolidation) Order 2015 insofar as it relates to the One Way restriction to temporarily allow one-way traffic along Claverton Street in a westerly direction from the junction with Prior Park Road to the junction with Wells Road gyratory;

  7. Temporarily allow One Way traffic along St James Parade in a north westerly direction from the junction with Corn Street to the junction with James Street West; 

  8. Temporarily allow One Way traffic along St James Parade in alternating directions – under traffic light control - from the junction with Dorchester Street to the junction with Corn Street;

  9.         Temporarily allow One Way traffic along Avon Street in a southerly direction from the junction with James Street West to the junction with Corn Street.

  10.         Suspend between 0600 hours and 1930 hours on Sunday 16th March 2025 The Bath and North East Somerset Council (Various Roads, Bath) (Prohibition and Restriction of Parking and Loading) (Authorised and Designated Parking Places) (Variations) Orders 2021 as varied insofar as they relate to RPZ users parking in other zones;

  11. Suspend between 0600 hours and 1930 hours on Sunday 16th March 2025 The Bath and North East Somerset Council Milsom Street Order 2021, as varied insofar as it relates to the bus lane on Milsom Street.

  12.         Temporarily suspend (THE CIRCUS) (BUS Restriction) ORDER 2020 between 06:00 – 19:30 hours on Sunday 16th March 2025 to allow buses to use Bennett Street, Gay Street, The Circus, Brock Street, Upper Church Street and Crescent Lane, Bath as part of the bus diversion.


This order will be operative on Saturday 15th March and Sunday 16th March

 2025 and is required in connection with the Bath Half Marathon.


The order will not prevent access for pedestrians to premises situated on or adjacent to any road to which the order relates.

Schedule 1 – Road Closures
Column 1Column 2Column 3
Royal Victoria Park/Middle CommonFull length0600 hours Saturday 15th March to 1930 Sunday 16th March 2025
Royal AvenueFull length0600 hours to 1930 hours Sunday 16th March 2024
Ambury, Broad Quay, Charles Street, Chapel Row, Charlotte Street, Churchill Bridge, Churchill Bridge Gyratory, Claverton Street, Corn Street, Cow Lane, Darlington Street, Green Park Road, Lower Bristol Road, Marlborough Buildings, Marlborough Lane, Midland Road, Monmouth Place, Newbridge Road, Pinesway, Pulteney Road, Queen’s Parade Place, Queen Square, Queen Square Place, Rossiter Road, Upper Bristol RoadFull length

Sunday 16th March  

0900 hours to 1700 hours

Gay StreetFrom its junction with George Street to its junction with Queen Square

Sunday 16th March  

0900 hours to 1700 hours

George Street – westbound carriagewayFrom its junction with Milsom Street to its junction with Gay Street

Sunday 16th March 

0900 hours to 1700 hours

Great Pulteney StreetFrom its junction with William Street to its junction with Sydney Place

Sunday 16th March 

0900 hours to 1700 hours

Queen’s Parade – southbound carriagewayFrom its junction with Queen’s Parade Place to its junction with Queen Square Place

Sunday 16th March 

0900 hours to 1700 hours

Sydney PlaceFrom its junction with Sutton Street to its junction with Darlington Street

As above Sunday 16th March 

0900 hours to 1700 hours

Wells Road - northbound carriagewayFrom its junction with Upper Oldfield Park in a northerly direction to its junction with Churchill Bridge Gyratory

Sunday 16th March 

0900 hours to 1700 hours

Bristol Road dual carriageway - Both carriagewaysFrom the Globe roundabout to its junction with Lower Bristol Road

Sunday 16th March 

0900 hours to 1700 hours





Column 1Column 2Column 3
Royal Victoria Park/Middle CommonFull length0600 hours Saturday 15th March to 1930 Sunday 16th March 2025
Royal AvenueFrom the junction with Marlborough Buildings and Marlborough Lane to the junction with Gravel Walk0600 hours Saturday 15th March to 1930 Sunday 16th March 2025
Royal AvenueFrom the junction with Gravel Walk to the junction with Queen’s Parade Place

Sunday 16th March 

0600 hours to 1930 hours

Ambury, Broad Quay, Charles Street, Chapel Row, Charlotte Street, Churchill Bridge, Churchill Bridge Gyratory, Claverton Street, Corn Street, Cow Lane, Darlington Street, Green Park Road, Lower Bristol Road, Marlborough Lane, Midland Road, Monmouth Place, Newbridge Road, Pinesway, Pulteney Road, Queen Square, Queen’s Parade Place, Queens Square Place, Rossiter Road, Upper Bristol RoadFull length

Sunday 16th March 

0600 hours to 1700 hours

Claverton Street

- south side

From its junction with Widcombe Parade to its junction with Churchill Bridge gyratory.

Sunday 16th March 

0600 hours to 1700 hours

Cleveland Walk

- east side

From a point 135 metres south of its junction with North Road for a distance of 115 metres in a southerly direction.

Sunday 16th March 

0600 hours to 1700 hours

Gay Street

- both sides

From its junction with George Street to its junction with Queen Square

Sunday 16th March 

0600 hours to 1700 hours

Great Pulteney StreetFrom its junction with William Street to its junction with Sydney Place

Sunday 16th March 

0600 hours to 1700 hours

Junction Road 

- south and west sides



- north and east side

From its junction with Oldfield Road to its junction with Junction Avenue.

From its junction with Oldfield Road to its junction with Lower Oldfield Park.

Sunday 16th March 

0600 hours to 1700 hours

Lansdown Road 

- west side






- west side






- east side 






- east side 






- east side

From its junction with George Street in a northerly direction for a distance of 188m to the junction with 7 Oxford Row


From 9 Belvedere in a northerly direction for a distance of 109m to its junction with Morford Street

From its junction with Camden Row (Camden Crescent) in a southerly direction for a distance of 39m to 28 Belvedere


From 4 Belvedere Villas in a southerly direction for a distance of 139m to 12 Belmont


From 4 Belmont in a southerly direction for a distance of 100m to its junction with George Street

Sunday 16th March 

0600 hours to 1700 hours

Lower Oldfield Park

- north side

From a point 10 metres west of its junction with Junction Road in an easterly direction for a distance of 76 metres to a point 10 metres east of the junction with Upper Oldfield Park.

Sunday 16th March 

0600 hours to 1700 hours

Marlborough BuildingsFrom its junction with Royal Avenue to and including No.3 Marlborough Buildings

Sunday 16th March 

0600 hours to 1700 hours

North Road

- southwest side 








- southwest side






- southwest side

From a point 165m after the junction with Golf Course Road (opposite the footpath to Sham Castle) for a distance of 350 metres in a north westerly direction to its junction with Cleveland Walk.

From its junction with Cleveland Walk in a north westerly direction to its junction with A36 Warminster Road


From its junction with North Lane to its junction with Quarry Road

Sunday 16th March 

0600 hours to 1700 hours

Oldfield Road

- south side

From its junction with Wells Road to its junction with Junction Road.

Sunday 16th March 

0600 hours to 1700 hours

Old Newbridge Hill 

- north west side

Full length

Sunday 16th March 

0600 hours to 1700 hours

Prior Park Road

- both sides

From its junction with Widcombe Hill and Widcombe Parade to its junction with Prior Park Cottages

Sunday 16th March 

0600 hours to 1700 hours

Queen’s Parade Place

 - east and west sides

From its junction with Queen’s Parade Place in a southerly direction to its junction with Queen Square Place

Sunday 16th March 

0600 hours to 1700 hours

Second Avenue

- west side




- west side

From its junction with Junction Road for a distance of 30 metres in a south westerly direction.

From its junction with King Edward Road for a distance of 32 metres in a northerly direction.

Sunday 16th March 

0600 hours to 1700 hours

Sydney Place


From its junction with Sutton Street to its junction with Darlington Street.

Sunday 16th March 

0600 hours to 1700 hours

Upper Oldfield Park

- east side




- north side




- south side

From its junction with Lower Oldfield Park for a distance of 204 metres in a southerly direction.

From its junction with Hayden Close to its junction with Wells Road.


From its junction with Wells Road for a distance of 91 metres in a south westerly direction.

Sunday 16th March 

0600 hours to 1700 hours

Walcot Street

- west side

From its junction with London Street in a southerly direction to a point opposite the boundary between 75 and 77 Walcot Street.

Sunday 16th March 

0600 hours to 1700 hours

Widcombe Parade

- both sides

Full length. 

Except for local bus services.

Sunday 16th March 

0600 hours to 1700 hours

A3062 Claverton Down Road

- both sides

From its junction with Shaft Road in a easterly direction to its junction with Bath Clinic goods entrance

Sunday 16th March 

0600 hours to 1700 hours







Column 1Column 2Column 3

Royal Victoria Park/ 

Middle Common & Royal Avenue

Full length

Sunday 16th March 

0600 hours to 1930 hours

Cow LaneFull length

Sunday 16th March 

0900 hours to 1330 hours

Halfpenny FootbridgeFull length

Sunday 16th March 

0900 hours to 1330 hours

Newbridge RoadFrom its junction with the Park & Ride to its junction with Twerton Fork.

Sunday 16th March 

0900 hours to 1330 hours

Rossiter Road - north sideFrom its junction with the riverside footpath to Halfpenny footbridge

Sunday 16th March 

0900 hours to 1330 hours

Green Park Road (Old Course)From its junction with The Ambury to its junction with Green Park Road

Sunday 16th March 

0900 hours to 1530 hours

Unnamed Bridge at Bath Quays – New Bridge between Green Park Road and

Newark works, Bath

Full length

Sunday 16th March 

0900 hours to 1530 hours