The idea for village design statements originated in 'Village Design: making local character count in new development', a Countryside Commission document. Statements are the result of extensive public consultation, and aim to identify the most important aspects of the character of a village, from a planning perspective. They provide guidance to parishioners, parish councillors, prospective developers, architects, planning officers, public utilities and the local authority. They give local people the chance to ensure that as a village grows or changes, it preserves and adds to its existing character.
Village design statements are Supplementary Planning Documents, which means they can add to, but not override or reinterpret, the Development Plan for the wider area.
The following villages have adopted their own design statements.
Another way to become involved in planning policy for your area is to be involved in the creation of a Neighbourhood Plan. These documents are also created through public consultation, and form part of the Development Plan for the wider area. To find out more, you can view existing Neighbourhood Plans or find out how to create one, if your area hasn't already adopted one.