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Eco Together

Join us to hear about Eco Together, a new programme that makes it easy to get started taking effective action on the environment.

Concerned about the environment and climate but not sure where to start? Already making changes but want to deepen your impact?

You're not alone!

Eco Together brings together small groups of neighbours, friends or colleagues for five friendly, structured sessions about the powers that we have to make a difference.

The group members run the sessions and no costs are involved.

We use an activity pack with a well-researched list of options and local resources, designed to bring tangible results. Each person decides upon their own activities, with the support of like-minded people. After the five sessions, many groups stay in touch and we even provide a certificate!

To give a range of times for you to join us, we will be running the same launch event four times.

Feedback from previous groups
"Friendly, helpful and non judgemental way to be greener"
"Meeting neighbours with similar goals and hearing what they are doing"
"I feel more able to access my own power, to make changes to my own situation and to communicate."

So do join us at one of our online launch events to hear more about the project and how to get involved. See you there!


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