In person
Keynsham & Saltford Churches
Stalls in Market Walk and The Space
10am - 3pm
Chat with local organisations about all things sustainable including recycling, tree planting, renewable energy, electric cars & bikes, nature conservation and sustainably produced goods including food.
Baptist Church, High Street
10am - 3pm
Nature Inspired Exhibition of Photographs and Art works by Children
& Images of Global Climate Change Impact.
Methodist Church, High Street
10am - 3pm
Quiet areas and Refreshments - opportunities to stop, pray, meditate and reflection the beauty of nature and our dependence on it.
Keynsham Memorial Park at the Community Plot (next to the café)
11am - 3pm
Nature-based activities for Children and Families.
St Francis Church, Warwick Road
2pm – 4:30pm
Nature-based activities for Children and Families