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  3. Temporary Traffic Regulation Orders
  4. Apply for a Temporary Traffic Regulation Order (TTRO)

Apply for a Temporary Traffic Regulation Order (TTRO)

We issue Temporary Traffic Regulation Orders (TTROs) when it is necessary to make short-term changes to control or prohibit different types of traffic (such as vehicles, cycles, pedestrians) along the highway. TTROs can apply to roads, footways or public rights of way.

We can make a Temporary Traffic Regulation Order to cover pre-planned situations, or we can issue an Emergency Notice, if regulation is needed without delay.

Examples of TTROs include:

  • closures of roads, parking or loading bays
  • street closures for community events
  • weight restrictions
  • playing out

Legal basis

We normally use TTROS to allow essential or emergency works on the highway, typically for installation or maintenance of utility services such as gas, electricity, or water. However, it may also be necessary to close roads under the Town & Police Clauses Act, for local community events, such as street parties.

TTROs are made under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, following a consultation process with the police, emergency services and other professional bodies. We will initially let the public know via public notices in the local press and on our website, before we make the Temporary Traffic Regulation Order.

How to apply for a TTRO


There is an upfront cost for most TTROs, payable on application:

  • A Temporary Traffic Regulation Order costs from £1,590.02.
  • As of April 2024, we also charge VAT for all Special Event TTROs. 
  • The cost of an Emergency Traffic Regulation Notice is £282.48.
  • Fees include the cost for any necessary advertising.

Our Traffic Management will handle all applications. We will consider the effects of the proposed Order on the wider highway network, and will take into account many factors.

Select a topic below to read in more detail about the costs and regulations which apply to different types of application. In each section, you can download and print off the application form you need. Return completed forms to us at

Utilities and contractors

Utility companies and contractors must apply for a TTRO to undertake works. These orders must be advertised in the local newspapers. You will need to:

  • supply a plan of the area at least 8 weeks before the required Order
  • complete the application form
  • pay a fee of £1,590.02 (with 8 weeks' notice) or £1,896.04 (with 6 to 8 weeks' notice); there is no VAT chargeable on these fees

Apply for a TTRO as a utility company or contractor

Community street parties

Applicants who wish to organise a community street party can apply for a TTRO to do so. You will need to supply:

  • the application form
  • a plan of the area a minimum of 8 weeks prior to the event
  • (for some events) a risk assessment and public liability insurance

We do not charge a fee, where these events are not for profit.

You can apply for a TTRO to hold a community street party when:

  • the event affects a cul-de-sac, rather than a through road
  • the closure is of a small residential road, where we consider the diversion route to be obvious to local motorists, and diversion signage isn't necessary
  • the event is organised by residents of the street, and is not a commercial event organised for financial gain

Where the street in question forms part of a bus route, we will only consider the application in exceptional circumstances, and where a suitable alternative bus route exists that does not require significant diversion signing and/or bus stop suspensions and/or temporary bus stops.

All events on the highway must be agreed by the Highway Authority and the event organiser will be responsible for posting road closed signs, notifying the emergency services and all residents affected by the event.

Apply for a TTRO for a community street party

Community street parties - VE Day 2025

Applicants who wish to organise a community street party to mark the 80th anniversary of VE Day in May 2025 can apply for a TTRO to do so. You will need to supply:

  • the application form
  • a plan of the area a minimum of 8 weeks prior to the event
  • (for some events) a risk assessment and public liability insurance

We do not charge a fee, where these events are not for profit.

You can apply for a TTRO to hold a community street party when:

  • the event affects a cul-de-sac, rather than a through road
  • the closure is of a small residential road, where we consider the diversion route to be obvious to local motorists, and diversion signage isn't necessary
  • the event is organised by residents of the street, and is not a commercial event organised for financial gain

Where the street in question forms part of a bus route, we will only consider the application in exceptional circumstances, and where a suitable alternative bus route exists that does not require significant diversion signing and/or bus stop suspensions and/or temporary bus stops.

All events on the highway must be agreed by the Highway Authority and the event organiser will be responsible for posting road closed signs, notifying the emergency services and all residents affected by the event. You can download our template resident consultation letter here.

Apply for a TTRO for a community street party (VE Day 2025)

Apply for a TTRO for a community event (VE Day 2025)

Emergency Notices

We can issue Emergency Notices in the case of an emergency, such as a serious gas main leak. An Emergency Notice can be issued for a maximum duration of 21 days, where public safety is a concern. 

The cost of an Emergency Traffic Regulation Notice is £282.48.

Apply for an Emergency Notice

Playing out

To close your street to traffic to let your children play safely, you’ll need to apply for a Temporary Playing Out Road Closure Order.  A Playing Out Road Closure Order is different from a street party closure application, as you can apply to shut your street regularly.

Find out more

Apply for a TTRO for playing out

Street closures

Street closures are made under Section 21 of under the Town & Police Clauses Act. These applications tend to be used for smaller events, to cover obstruction of the streets, public processions, and where the streets are thronged or liable to be obstructed. Events must be similar to “public processions, rejoicing or illuminations”.

There is no authority under this Act to suspend parking or remove restrictions (such as altering a one-way system). There is no requirement to advertise these orders, but we recommend consultation with local residents.

Apply for a Street closure (S21) TTRO

Street closures (special events)

The Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 provides the authority for closures on roads in connection with relevant special events.  A relevant event means any sporting event, social event or entertainment which takes place on a road, not on adjoining land. If you are filming on the highway as part of your event, this will require a separate application form, although the fee is the same.

This Act should be used if the applicant also wants to request to suspend parking or alter road systems to allow the event to go ahead.

Apply for a Street closure (special event) TTRO

Apply for a Street closure (filming on the highway) TTRO

Apply by post

If you would prefer to complete a physical application form, email the Traffic Management team or call 01225 394041 and we can send you a paper copy. Please complete this and return it to:

  • Traffic Management Team
  • Lewis House
  • Manvers Street
  • Bath
  • BA1 1JG

This will take longer, and the notice period will not include time taken to receive and send back your form.