12 Charlotte St, Bath BA1 2NE
Opening hours
Day | Hours |
Monday to Thursday | 8.30am to 4:30pm |
Friday | 8.30am to 4pm |
Saturday and Sunday | Closed |
What's on at the Children's Centre?
We run regular groups open to everyone. You can also request further help and support and we can refer you to one of our more specialised courses or programmes. For more information about our groups, courses or programmes, visit our Children's Centre services page.
Regular groups
Group/Activity | Day and Time |
Baby and Toddler Hub | Wednesday, 9.30am to 11am. Drop in service. Visit the Health Visiting website. |
Outdoor Play and Explore Together | Wednesday, 10am to 11.30am. Entry Hill, Bath, BAN2 5NA. Term time only. Children 0 to 5 years and their parents or carers. |
Other facilities
Breastfeeding is welcome at all groups and in all Children’s Centres. If you need support with any aspect of infant feeding, please contact your Health Visitor or attend a ‘Baby and Toddler Hub’.
Contact us
For more information about our Children's Centres, groups or courses, email us at brightstartcc@bathnes.gov.uk, or call us on 01225 39 66 62.
For updates about groups and courses, visit our Facebook page.