This page contains a very brief summary of the amended proposals. Read the original consultation for the full detail.
The map below shows additional parking and loading bays for disabled use, residents and loading purposes which we are planning to introduce.

Regular road users
Select a section below for a brief summary of the traffic proposals, and the impact the scheme may have on you.
Restrictions will operate 7 days a week. Private vehicles will only be able to enter any of the restricted streets between the following times:
- York Street: Before 10am and after 10pm
- All other streets within the zone: Before 10am and after 6pm
For larger deliveries or one-off circumstances, such as property moves, you will need to contact our CCTV Team Manager first to discuss your needs.
Restrictions will operate 7 days a week. Private vehicles will only be able to enter any of the restricted streets between the following times:
- York Street: Before 10am and after 10pm
- All other streets within the zone: Before 10am and after 6pm
There will be the same amount of parking available as now, for Blue Badge holders, or a carer driving a Blue Badge holder. You will be able to park for up to 3 hours on double yellow lines in Cheap Street, Westgate Street, Saw Close, and Upper Borough Walls, where there is space to do so without obstructing the road.
Pick-up and Drop-off
Friends, relatives or taxis, if carrying a Blue Badge holder as a passenger, can pick up or drop off at any time on Cheap Street, Westgate Street, Saw Close and Upper Borough Walls. They cannot use other streets in the restricted zone during the operating hours.
Special vehicles or road uses
Some types of vehicles, or specific uses of the roads, may have limited exemption from the entry restrictions. You may still need to make special arrangements in advance with our teams, to assess the circumstances and discuss how to manage your access request. Select a vehicle type or use below to read in more detail.
Vehicles used to provide emergency services (ambulances, doctors on call, police and fire services responding to an emergency call, and other vehicles such as private ambulances and RSPCA officers on an urgent call) will all have access at all times to all locations within the restricted zone.
Post Office and ParcelForce vehicles can use Cheap St, Westgate St, Saw Close, Parsonage Lane and Upper Borough Walls at any time, to handle mail from the Post Office which is located in W H Smith on Union St. They cannot use other streets in the restricted zone.
Vehicles which are delivering council services can enter the restricted streets at all times. Typical services include the following:
- Cleansing (including Bath Business Improvement District)
- Parks services
- Adult Social Care
- Highway Maintenance vehicles
Statutory Undertakers (utilities, such as gas and electricity or telecoms suppliers) can enter the restricted streets at any time, but must contact our Streetworks and CCTV Teams to arrange this in advance.
Vehicles required to deliver or collect scaffolding will be able to enter the restricted streets at any time, but must contact our CCTV Team and our Network License team for formal assessment and management of the project.
Cash-in-transit vehicles will be able to drop off and pick up money for banks and building societies at any time within the restricted streets.
If you need to enter one of the restricted streets for an occasional or one-off use that is impossible outside the restricted hours, you will need to make a request to our CCTV Team. They will assess your request, and discuss with you how to manage it. Typical situations were we aim to grant access might be property moves, filming and construction projects.