This page will give a general overview of the proposed Residents Parking Zone (RPZ).
Where the RPZ will apply
We are proposing to introduce an RPZ, with a new range of parking permits for the Beacon Hill area. See the map below for the area which we plan to cover with the zone.
Map of the Beacon Hill area Residents Parking Zone boundary
How the RPZ will operate
Within the RPZ, we mark all parts of the road in one of the following ways:
Permit Holder Only parking bays (unlimited duration parking)
Dual Use parking bays (up to 2 hours' parking for non-permit holders, or unlimited parking for permit holders)
Waiting parking bays (up to 1 hour for any user)
Parking restrictions (yellow lines) on parts of the road where there are no parking bays
We are proposing that the zone will operate from 8am to 6pm, 7 days a week, NOT including Bank Holidays. This will ensure consistent operation with other schemes that we manage.
Residents’ Parking Permits will only be valid for the Beacon Hill RPZ area, as shown in the map, and not other Residents Parking Zones in other areas of Bath.