Higher-risk groups and their organisational representatives
- 3SG (B&NES 3rd Sector Group partnership)
- Avon & Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership
- Bath Mind
- Boaters
- Care Forum
- Drug & Alcohol Services (DHI, SDAS)
- Gypsy and other travellers
- Housing & homeless
- Julian House
- Julian House Food Bank
- Mentoring Plus
- Project 28
- Riverside Sexual Health Clinic
- Visit Bath
- Other voluntary sector groups
- Carers Centre
Higher-risk locations
- Services for those with complex needs
- Services for the over 70s
- Avon Local Pharmacy Committee & Pharmacies
- Bath College
- Bath Area Play Project
- Bath Bid
- Bath City Farm
- Bath Spa University
- Bath Tourism Plus
- Bath University
- Care providers
- Children’s Centres
- Curo and other housing providers
- Domestic abuse refuges
- Family Nurse Partnership Virgin Care
- Food retailers and restaurants
- Genesis Trust & Bath Food Bank
- GWR Bath Spa & Bus Station
- Independent Guest Houses
- Libraries
- Places of worship
- Riverside Sexual Health Clinic
- Saltford Business Association
- Somer Valley Food Bank
- South Side Family Centre
- Sports clubs, grounds and gyms
- Visit Bath
- Wider employers (retail, tourism, taxi, bus)