9. Residence when moving to accommodation outside Bath and North East Somerset Council
If you move to accommodation outside of Bath and North East Somerset while we are responsible for funding your care (because of the availability of suitable accommodation) to meet your care and support needs, you still remain a Bath and North East Somerset resident.
The Council will keep the same responsibility for you that they have for someone living in the Bath and North East Somerset area. Only if you later choose to move by private arrangement may you become ‘ordinarily resident’ in your new area. If this happens, your new Council becomes responsible for any future care and support assessment and/or funding68.
If you fund your own care and support and choose to move to a different area for accommodation to meet your needs (for example, to be closer to your family) you will usually become ‘ordinarily resident’ in the new area. If you become eligible for support from adult social care services in the future, the Council in your new area would be expected to fulfil this responsibility69.