Closed consultations
View all of our closed consultations.
View future consultations View current consultationsBath Walking, Wheeling, and Cycling Links scheme
The Bath Walking, Wheeling and Cycling Links (BWWCL) scheme is one of several CRSTS (City Region Sustainable Transport Settlements) projects being…
Travel, transport, and roads
Bath Air Quality Action Plan 2024 to 2029 - public consultation
We have produced an Air Quality Action Plan. Use this page to have your say on the proposed plan. As part of our legal duties required by the…
Travel, transport, and roads
2024/25 parking charge review consultation
We are asking for your opinions on proposals which include the introduction of emission-based parking charges to all Council-managed paid-for parking…
Travel, transport, and roads
Queen Charlton through-traffic restriction trial (ETRO consultation)
Important notice on this trial This trial will now become permanent subject to the formal Traffic Regulation Order process which will take around…
Travel, transport, and roads
Emission-based car parking charges in Bath car parks
! Warning This consultation is now closed We are consulting on the introduction of vehicle emission-based parking charges in council-owned car…
Travel, transport, and roads
Church Street through-traffic restriction trial (ETRO consultation)
Important notice on this trial This trial will now become permanent subject to the formal Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) process. The Cabinet…
Travel, transport, and roads
Oldfield Park and Westmoreland RPZ: ETRO consultation (Additional short-stay visitor bays)
We are trialling around 70 additional short-stay visitor bays in the new Oldfield Park and Westmoreland residents' parking zone (RPZ), and would like…
Travel, transport, and roads
Tennyson Road through-traffic restriction proposal
In response to community feedback, we are proposing a through-traffic restriction on Tennyson Road in Bath, as part of our Liveable…
Travel, transport, and roads
St John's, St Michael's and Hungerford Road area (Lower Weston) Residents' Parking Zone (RPZ) TRO consultation
We would like to know if you have any objections to the Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) which we have prepared to create a Residents’ Parking Zone (…
Travel, transport, and roads