This proposed Residents' Parking Zone (RPZ) has been revised to reflect the needs and wishes of local residents, as expressed in the feedback we received during our last consultation, in May and June 2022.
Where the RPZ will apply
We are proposing to introduce a Residents' Parking Zone, with a new range of parking permits for the Entry Hill area. Our map shows the boundary of the proposed zone.
Map of the proposed Entry Hill area Residents' Parking Zone boundary
How the RPZ will operate
Within the RPZ, we mark all parts of the road in one of the following ways:
- Permit Holder Only parking bays (unlimited duration parking)
- Dual Use parking bays (up to 2 or 3 hours parking for non-permit holders, or unlimited parking for permit holders)
- Waiting parking bays (up to 1 hour for any user)
- Parking restrictions (yellow lines) on parts of the road where there are no parking bays
We are proposing that the zone will operate from 8am to 6pm, 7 days a week, excluding Bank Holidays. Yellow line parking restrictions will operate at all times.
We have listened to your feedback
We have made a number of amendments to the proposals as a result of the feedback we received during the first stage of consultation. The changes are summarised below. We ask that residents and visitors to the area review the amendments to the scheme and use the online survey to tell us whether you support the proposal. Please do this even if you responded to the initial consultation in May.
While overall support for the scheme was low at 39%, local ward councillors believe that there is support for a scheme that covers a smaller area, and that residents living there should be given further opportunity to consider the benefits of a revised scheme that incorporates feedback from the initial consultation.
The revised proposal for the Entry Hill area RPZ includes the following changes:
- The zone is now smaller, including the northern end of Entry Hill and adjacent streets only. The boundary now ends on Entry Hill at its junction with Longthorne Place, and on Wellsway up to and including property number 243.
- The west side of Wellsway, the remainder of Entry Hill, and the streets off Entry Hill which are south of Longthorne Place have been removed from the revised scheme. Existing waiting restrictions in these areas remain.
- The triangle of properties bound by Wellsway, Devonshire Villas, and Greenway Lane are to be added to zone 18, an existing RPZ. These properties are highlighted on a map within the amendment report.
- In this extension to zone 18, the double yellow lines outside of 133 Wellsway will be removed and the proposed residents' parking bay extended to cater for 2 additional vehicles.
- It is proposed that Greenway Crescent properties (currently within the Bear Flat zone but with access off Entry Hill) are included in the revised Entry Hill scheme instead.
- Entry Hill Gardens is to be signed as a permit parking area, not marked on the road, and the existing disabled parking bay will be removed as it has been identified as redundant. No additional parking restrictions are included other the protection of the junction with Entry Hill.
- The proposed permit parking area on Lynbrook Lane will be signed, not marked on the road, with no further extensions or double yellow lines.
- Residents' parking bays have been included outside of numbers 207a to 209 Wellsway and will be signed. The bays will not affect vehicular access to the bowling club opposite. There is no support for dual use parking at this location because private parking is provided for visitors to the bowling and tennis club.
- The proposed bay outside properties numbered 145 to 155 Wellsway will be signed as ‘Resident Permit Holders Only’, rather than a dual use bay which was originally proposed.
- The bay originally proposed outside 12 Entry Hill has been removed because it could cause congestion during peak hours.
- Dual use parking for up to 3 vehicles has been proposed outside properties Brishella and Orchard View on Entry Hill.
- A proposed parking bay has been extended across the garages at numbers 233 and 235 Entry Hill (where double yellow lines were proposed) with ‘keep clear’ markings across the dropped kerb access to the garages. The proposal for double yellow lines across the driveway at number 237 will remain.
For full details, please read the amendment report and view the detailed map below.
Read about the changes we have made
View the locations of bays and restrictions in detail
You can explore the details of the Traffic Regulation Order proposal on our interactive map below. We have decided the locations of proposed parking bays and parking restrictions, based on detailed safety assessments of the roads covered by the scheme, and your feedback from our previous consultation.