National requirements
All planning applications are subject to a set of National requirements (GOV.UK)
Local requirements
In addition to the national requirements (above), you may need to submit the following with your application:
- Biodiversity and Geological Conservation Assessment
- Flood risk assessment
- Tree survey/arboricultural statement
- Heritage statement
Additional requirements
- When you propose to alter or install small scale architectural features or details including doors, windows, panelling, plasterwork, staircases and fireplaces, you should also submit with the proposals clear plans: scale elevations at 1:10 or 1:20 and sections at a legible scale of 1:1, 1:2 or 1:5.
- If you propose to carry out stone cleaning and / or removal of paint you should submit a pre cleaning survey, and full details of the proposed cleaning method. If you are cleaning Bath stone, please consult our leaflet for detailed guidance.
- Where the proposed work has implications for the structural integrity of the listed building, or you are proposing work to address possible structural problems with the listed building.
We strongly advise using a planning agent to assist you with your planning application.