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  4. Apply for planning permission
  5. Local requirements for planning applications

Local requirements for planning applications

There is a huge range of different sorts of planning application, depending on the current use and status of the site, and the development you're proposing. To find out which application type you need, go to the Planning Portal. Once you know your type of application, you can view the local checklist for documents you'll need to supply below.

For all types of application, please ensure that the documents and plans you supply are in line with our best practice guidance.

Permission in principle

Prior approvals and notifications (including agricultural and changes of use)

Prior approval - new agricultural development

Prior approval - change of use

* = Covers Associated Operational Development
= Covers any land within original curtilage 

Prior approval - new development

Prior approval -  temporary use

Prior approval - demolition

Appropriate Alternative Development (in the case of a Compulsory Purchase Order)