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Listed Building Consent Checklist

National requirements

All planning applications are subject to a set of National requirements (GOV.UK)

Local requirements

In addition to the national requirements (above), this type of application also requires that you may need to submit the following:

  • Biodiversity and Geological Conservation Assessment - Where work is proposed to certain areas of a building (such as vaults or the roof space) it may be necessary to submit a protected species survey with your application. If this may apply to your application you are advised to contact the councils ecologist to discuss the matter.
  • Heritage Statement (including historical, archaeological features and Scheduled Ancient Monuments) 
  • When work is proposed to alter or install small scale architectural features or details including doors, windows, panelling, plasterwork, staircases and fireplaces scale elevations at 1:10 or 1:20 and sections at a legible scale of 1:1, 1:2 or 1:5 should be submitted showing the proposals.
  • Stone cleaning survey - Any proposal to carry out stone cleaning and or/removal of paint should be accompanied by a pre-cleaning survey and full details of the proposed cleaning method.  

  • Structural survey or report should accompany any application where the work proposed has implications for the structural integrity of the listed building or work is proposed to address possible structural problems with the listed building.

  • Damp Remediation Report should accompany applications where work is proposed to remedy damp issues and include a diagnosis of the cause and explore remediation options. The report should be from an appropriate independent specialist not a remedial treatment company with a vested interest in carrying out the work.

  • It is recommended that, where you are retrofitting solar PV, heat pumps, double glazing etc, you include these words in the proposal description. Adding such information to the proposal description will help other listed building owners to find applications for different types of retrofit and understand how they are assessed and determined.

We strongly advise using a planning agent to assist you with your planning application.