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Index: Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs)

These documents add extra information to the policies for our area, contained in the Development Plan. You should always read SPDs and guidance notes together with the Development Plan document and local policy mapping, to get a fuller understanding of an area or issue. They add local context or technical detail, and we will take them into account when we consider an application for a proposed development. 

SPDs cover a wide range of special areas of interest. All are the result of public consultations in a local area, and many are compiled by experts in a particular field, such as archaeology, heritage or conservation. Find an area or topic which is relevant to you by using the search facility below, or search our Article 4 Directions to see which areas have additional local protection.

 Evidence base for policy documents

We have produced and commissioned a series of studies, documents and background evidence to support the development of our most important planning policy documents: our Local PlanPlacemaking Plan and Core Strategy.

Background documents and evidence for the Core Strategy and Placemaking Plan are available on request. Please email us at with your request, and we will supply them within working 10 days.

Supplementary Planning Documents

44 results

The Sustainable Construction Checklist SPD sets energy efficiency standards for certain types of development.

The following applications require a completed Sustainable Construction Checklist:

All new build proposals (one dwelling or more, or any amount of commercial floorspace created) that require Building Regulations Part L certification. This includes new buildings erected on the site of existing buildings that are demolished.

There are a large number of buildings, structures, monuments and other features in Bath and North East Somerset which, while not statutory listed, are of architectural and historic interest or make a significant contribution to the character and appearance of an area.

The locally listed heritage assets document provides the following:

This document offers guidance on why colour and finish are important for traditional shopfronts.

This document aims to guide future developments to Paulton, by identifying features which local people consider to be important to the character of the village.

Clarification note for the Purpose Built Student Accommodation policy (H2A).

This document aims to guide future developments to Peasedown St John, by identifying features which local people consider to be important to the character of the village.

This document tells you whether you will need planning permission to carry out improvements to your home to reduce your fuel consumption. Please read it together with the Supplementary Planning Document on Sustainable construction and retrofitting

This document sets out our policy for securing planning obligations from new developments (often called 'Section 106') that require planning permission, and how this relates to the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL).

This document aims to guide future developments to Priston, by identifying features which local people consider to be important to the character of the village.

This document draws on national and local planning policy, and is designed to support commercial developers to make suitable sustainable development proposals for Green Belt areas. 

This document describes the characteristics of the natural and man-made landscape, what elements are most important to each area and culturally how the landscape has been perceived. It covers rural areas of our district, and so excludes Bath, Keynsham, Midsomer Norton and Radstock.

This document outlines the variety of shopfronts found within Bath. It was submitted in 2009 as a supporting document to the Southgate redevelopment. It acts as a guide for planners and developers, to support them in proposing developments which will maintain and enhance the character of the city.

This document is a guide to the selection, design, installation and historical preservation of our district’s streetscape, such as street furniture, paving, signage and lighting. There is a particular focus on the streetscape of Bath, as a World Heritage Site.

This document provides guidance for householders and small-scale developers on how to construct new developments, or adapt existing buildings, to reduce fuel consumption.

The Sustainable Construction Checklist SPD sets energy efficiency and sustainable construction standards for certain types of development.

Where this requirement applies

The following application types must complete and submit a Sustainable Construction Checklist. Guidance on policy requirements and how to complete the Checklist is set out in the SPD itself.

This document explains our approach to balancing the needs for energy efficiency and renewable energy installations with the conservation of the historic environment. It includes extensive links to guidance on this topic from Historic England. 

These documents outline the landscape and geographical setting of the City of Bath. They provide a context to understanding the value of the city as a World Heritage Site, with the aim of protecting Bath's heritage assets and managing the impact of any new development.

This document sets out our approach and expectations for new developments and re-developments, specifically in relation to walking, cycling, ultra-low emission vehicles, parking standards and travel plans.  

The files below consist of the main policy document (labelled the SPD, or Supplementary Planning Document), and Appendices A to F, which cover different aspects of the policy, and give developers clear guidance of the different areas they will need to consider and provide for, in planning and delivering new developments.

This document acts as a guide for developers, to ensure they take account of drainage issues and flood risk when planning major new developments.