Use this page to learn about the Keynsham Area Forum.
Area Forum meetings are part of the Connecting Communities programme bringing together residents, Ward and Parish Councillors, community organisations and public services to discuss topics of interest and help address areas of concern. We can develop a shared understanding and deal with many challenges together by talking through the topics that matter most to local people and working collaboratively.
Take part in Area Forums
Meetings are open to all and are held either in person or online. The Forum generally meets four times a year.
Date of next meeting
26 February 2025, 6pm (online, via Teams)
The Agenda includes items on Lower Chew Forest; the West of England Rural Network’s Rural Voices project; Community Catalysts; Cool Ventures and Keynsham Town Centre Regeneration Action Plan
Microsoft Teams
Join the meeting now
Meeting ID: 343 442 119 176
Passcode: EJ9cd3nP
Future meeting dates
- 23 June, 6:30pm (Keynsham Community Space)
- 15 September, 6:30pm (Keynsham Community Space)
- 17 November, 6:30pm (venue TBC)
Recent meetings
28 November 2024: This was an online meeting. You can watch the November meeting on YouTube.
10 September 2024: The Forum had a tour of Keynsham Recycling hub
21 February 2024: This was an online meeting. You can watch the February meeting on YouTube.
Key positions
Chair: Cllr Alan Hale – Bereavement Support Keynsham
Vice Chair: Adrian Inker – Community@67
Lead Officers: Dave Dixon and Mark Hayward
For further information contact our Corporate Engagement team.
View Area Forums on a map
To view in greater detail exactly where the zone boundaries are, you can scroll, use the +/- tools, or use two fingers to move the map (if using a touchscreen).