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Depot site (Station Road, Newbridge) (new allocation)

View Depot site (Station Road, Newbridge) (new allocation) on a map


This relatively small site has been the subject of a recent planning application for the development of 15 flats (ref: 19/03943/FUL). Although the application was withdrawn in September 2020, it is anticipated that revised development proposals will emerge during the plan period and it is in this context that a specific site allocation is proposed.

Key opportunities and constraints

1. Providing a specific policy framework that encourages and enables the delivery of the site in accordance with the Council’s climate and ecological emergency declarations.

2. The site lies along the route of the safeguarded sustainable transport route and there is the opportunity to specify the dimensions of the route to be provided, as well as articulate the future aspirations to extend the route to the east, subject to the future redevelopment of adjacent development sites.

3. Identify housing numbers.

Policy Options (capacity 10 units)

The recent planning application was for 15 dwellings, but as this has not been determined it is difficult to be certain as to whether this quantity of development would be acceptable or not. Given the circumstances it is proposed that an estimated capacity of around 10 dwellings is realistic.