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Weston Island

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4.28 Located in the western part of the city, the island was created in the 1720s following the construction of the ‘Weston Cut’ canal that enabled this section of the river to be navigable. With an area of approx. 2.3 Ha, Weston Island has been used throughout its history as open gardens, and for a variety of industrial uses including Mills (woollen, timber, brass), as storage by Stothert and Pitt, and latterly as a bus depot.

4.29 The Island does not have any allocations in the adopted Local Plan as at the time and due to its current use as a bus depot, it was not considered that development would come forward within the plan period.

Key Constraints and Opportunities

4.30 Weston Island is subject to a number of planning designations. With regard to ecology the river is designated as a ‘Site of Nature Conservation Interest’ (Policy NE3), and the edges of the island form an important associated habitat. Development proposals that seeks a frontage with or to increase access to the river’s edge may be challenging as there is a need to maintain and improve this habitat. Given the importance of this habitat, a use that doesn’t require a relationship with the water, such as the current use or other employment use, would be more appropriate, and would better enable biodiversity enhancements to be achieved. Given the site’s location within a bat corridor lighting will need to be sensitively designed.

4.31 Flooding – the entire site is within Flood Zone 3 and the NPPF sets out clear requirements regarding development in flood risk areas entailing the sequential and exception tests.

Policy Options (capacity)

4.32 If the site becomes available there are the following opportunities to:

  • Relocate existing employment uses to enable the redevelopment of allocated sites elsewhere in the city, including Manvers Street (site SB6) and South Bank on the Lower Bristol Road (site SB6). This will help to unlock the delivery of difficult sites, and achieve planning policy objectives such as the delivery of homes and jobs
  • Enhance the ecological value of the river edge
  • Improve the safety and attractiveness of pedestrian and cycle connections across the island. This would enhance connectivity between the communities and employment opportunities on either side of the river.

4.33 Within the context outlined above it is considered most appropriate to allocate the site for employment uses. However, there might be other uses that would also be appropriate mindful of the flooding and ecological constraints. The site is not considered suitable for residential development and therefore, no housing capacity is assumed on this site.

Consultation Reference Bath8

Weston Island

Proposed to allocate Weston Island for industrial uses and builders merchants (as per sites in Policy ED2A) and to include development requirements relating to enhancing the ecological value of the river edge, ensuring lighting avoids harming ecological interests (especially bats), and improving pedestrian/cycle connectivity to and across the site.