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Policy C/RE: Renewable energy

Warning We are presenting policy options for two different aspects of our policy on renewable energy. We recommend reading through the policy information and options for all of this section together, to get a fuller idea of our approach to this policy area.

Policy overview

9.152    The Council’s current approach to renewable energy is set out in Policy CP3. Policy SCR4 sets out the Council’s approach to, and support for, Community-Led Projects.

9.153    The policy approach was reviewed through the LPPU to set out a positive approach for determining applications and guiding development to the most suitable locations.

9.154    The revised Policy CP3 sets out the criteria for all stand-alone renewable energy projects, as well as specific criteria for wind energy and ground mounted solar.

9.155    Through the LPPU, the Council has set out a landscape-led approach for wind energy and ground-mounted solar PV to guide development to the best locations which is based on the Landscape Sensitivity Assessment (LSA) for Renewable Energy Development (LUC, 2021).

9.156    It was not possible to review the Core Strategy target for renewable energy generation through the LPPU. This Options Document presents options for how both the target and approach to CP3 could be revised to plan positively for renewable energy while ensuring that adverse impacts are addressed satisfactorily.

National Context

9.157    Paragraph 160 of the NPPF states that the planning system should support renewable and low carbon energy and associated infrastructure. To help increase the use and supply of renewable and low carbon energy and heat, plans should:

  • Provide a positive strategy for energy from these sources that maximises the potential for suitable development, while ensuring that adverse impacts are addressed satisfactorily.
  • Consider identifying areas suitable for renewable and low carbon energy sources and supporting infrastructure.
  • Identify opportunities for development to draw its energy supply from decentralised, renewable or low carbon energy supply systems and for co-locating potential heat customers and suppliers.

9.158    Community-led initiatives for renewable and low carbon energy should also be supported, giving consideration to the role of neighbourhood planning as well as local plans.
9.159    Further detailed guidance on developing policies on renewables and low carbon energy and the planning considerations involved in such schemes is provided in the Planning Practice Guidance (PPG).

Changes since adoption of the LPPU

9.160    Since the adoption of the LPPU there have been changes to national policy issued by the Government in relation to Wind Energy, through the release of 5th September 2023 Written Material Statement (WMS) and subsequent revision to the NPPF.

9.161    Through the WMS the Government is seeking to restart development of onshore wind in England. The NPPF has been revised to allow alternative ways of identifying potential locations for new wind farm developments, rather than solely local development plans. This now includes local and neighbourhood development orders, or community right to build orders.

9.162    There have also been changes to the wording around the test applied in relation to community backing of onshore wind, on which further guidance is expected from the Government on how public support for wind farms will be assessed, and how communities that host wind farms could benefit from lower energy bills.

Policy options

We are suggesting options in our approach to two areas of the policy overview above:

Select a link to view these options and give your feedback.

More on this topic

Read the Climate Change topic paper , Natural Environment Topic Paper , Carbon Impact Assessment supporting document and the Renewable Energy Resource Assessment Study (RERAS) for in-depth focus about this topic, and the evidence which informs our policy. Visit our library of Local Plan Options supporting documents to learn more.