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Policy H/PBSA: Affordable housing or rent in purpose built student accommodation

Please read these options together with the policy for Provision and location of purpose built student accommodation

9.104 LPPU policy H2A does not currently require the delivery of affordable housing or affordable rent in relation to provision of PBSA.

9.105 Both universities in the city of Bath have raised significant concerns relating to the high cost of student accommodation, and the negative impact that these high costs have on the well-being of their students.

9.106 The B&NES Local Housing Needs Assessment sets out a significant need for affordable homes across the District, particularly within the city of Bath.

9.107 In order to meet the priorities of the Local Plan relating to providing homes that are affordable, the options below seek to introduce a requirement for all PBSA developments to contribute towards housing that is affordable within the District, either through a contribution to conventional C3 affordable housing, or provision of on-site affordable student accommodation.

9.108 The first option seeks to meet the needs of students who struggle to afford the high costs of accommodation in the city, by requiring all PBSA developments to deliver a certain percentage of bedspaces as ‘affordable student accommodation’, which is likely to be defined as being set at a rent level that is no more than 55% of the maximum maintenance grant available for that academic year.

9.109 The second option seeks to meet the general need for affordable dwellings in the city by requiring all PBSA developments to deliver a cash in lieu contribution towards conventional C3 affordable housing. This option is justified by the consideration that sites allocated for PBSA could otherwise have been allocated for use as C3 dwellings, which would be required to provide 30% or 40% on-site affordable housing. As PBSA does not meet minimum housing space standards it is not considered suitable as a form of affordable housing itself. Therefore, a cash in lieu contribution is required towards conventional C3 affordable housing.

9.110 The third option seeks to meet both needs, by requiring provision of affordable student accommodation for PBSA developments located on-campus, or sites owned by either of the universities, and a cash in lieu contribution towards conventional C3 affordable housing.

Option A

Option A

Requirement for all PBSA developments to deliver at least 30% of bedspaces as ‘affordable student accommodation’.


Meets need of students unable to afford accommodation.


Loss of affordable housing on sites that could otherwise be allocated for C3 dwellings.

Option B

Option B

Requirement for all PBSA developments to deliver a cash in lieu contribution towards conventional C3 affordable housing.


Provides a contribution to conventional affordable housing, on sites that could otherwise have been allocated for C3 dwellings.


Does not meet the needs of students unable to afford accommodation.

Option C

Option C

Requirement for PBSA developments located on-campus or on sites owned by an educational establishment to deliver at least 30% of bedspaces as affordable student accommodation, and PBSA developments located elsewhere to deliver a cash in lieu contribution towards conventional C3 affordable housing.


Partly meets the need of students unable to afford accommodation (on-campus), and also facilitates delivery of contributions towards conventional affordable housing on sites that could otherwise have been allocated for C3 dwellings.


  • Fewer affordable student rent properties than option 1
  • Fewer contributions to conventional affordable housing than option 2
  • Potentially more complicated to implement

Status message

The Local Plan Options Consultation has closed