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Policy H/RES: Cross-subsidy between market and affordable housing

Please read these options together with the policy for rural exception sites

Option A

Option A
Continue to state that a small proportion of market housing will be appropriate only where it can be demonstrated that the market housing is essential to cross-subsidise the affordable housing and that the site would be unviable without this cross-subsidy.


  • Reflects national policy and is flexible.


  • Current policy provides limited clarity on the level of market housing appropriate in cross-subsidising delivery of affordable housing.

Option B

Option B
As Option A, but adding the following details:

  • Maximum of 40% market housing to meet local needs (including downsizing) 
  • ...the site would be unviable or undeliverable without this cross-subsidy, taking into account the availability of public subsidy.


  • Provides clarity on policy.
  • Market housing will only be permitted where it is robustly demonstrated it is needed to subsidise the provision of affordable housing.


  • Developments could look to maximise market housing on site.

Status message

The Local Plan Options Consultation has closed