Why are we consulting?
We would like your views on our plans, to ensure that we make the most appropriate changes to parking in your streets, with the aim of improving air quality for all.
What we are consulting on
We are asking for your views on the following:
- The introduction of a pricing structure for Residents' Parking Permits which is based on the emissions of vehicles
- Changes to how we manage and operate parking permits for hotels, guest houses and holiday lets, including removing hospitality visitor parking from on-street spaces to council operated long-stay car parks
- Changes to how we manage and operate parking permits for medical and social care professionals
- A price review for a number of our parking permits
To help us get a better understanding of attitudes to travel and transport, we are also asking some more general questions about your opinions on related topics, and inviting you to take part in optional follow-up research on travel and transport behaviour.
Who we are consulting
We are inviting local residents, businesses and visitors to Bath to give us their views on the proposals. However, anyone is welcome to respond to this consultation and share their views.
How to respond to the consultation
This consultation is now closed.
What happens next
Cabinet will consider a report on the 20 July 2021, and will make a decision on the final proposals.
There will be a further opportunity for public consultation in the autumn on the proposed Traffic Regulation Order which would introduce these changes.