Planning application - local requirement
When the requirement applies
These proposals require major residential developments to provide an element of affordable housing (or, if deemed appropriate, off-site provision, or a related payment in place of affordable housing). Major residential developments are defined in the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) as any of the following:
- Developments involving ten homes or more
- Developments with a site of 0.5 hectares or more (gross internal area)
- In Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (designated rural areas), developments of six or more homes
We will also require that co-living schemes (sui generis) provide an element of affordable housing in accordance with adopted Development Plan policy CP9.
Some rural sites may have an exception from these regulations. Please see the Planning Obligations (Section 106) SPD below to see if this applies to your proposal.
What the statement should include
The statement needs to detail the following items, and show that they are compliant with National Planning Policy, our local Core Strategy (Policy CP9), and the Planning Obligations (section 106) SPD. You can view or download these documents below.
- The total numbers of residential units (market and affordable)
- The mix of units, with numbers of habitable rooms and/or bedrooms, and the floor space of habitable areas of residential units
- The location of units and the number of habitable rooms and/or bedrooms, and/or the floor space of the units (as shown on a scaled plan)
- If there will be different levels or types of affordability or tenure, there needs to be a clear and full explanation of this
We strongly advise that you contact one of our Housing Enabling Officers before submitting your Affordable Housing Statement.