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Events policy

Published: Updated: Subject:



Bath & North East Somerset plays host to a large number of events every year, from established fixtures including the half marathon and music festival, to one-off occasions such as the Olympic Torch Relay, Special Olympics GB and The Tour of Britain. Cultural events and festivals can, at their best, be powerful agents of social cohesion, providing opportunities for celebration, pride in a place or locality, participation, and involvement of diverse groups. A varied programme of events contributes to:

  • (a) Economic development
  • (b) Social/cultural regeneration
  • (c) Cultural vibrancy
  • (d) A strong tourism base
  • (e) Cultural and community provision
  • (f) Local priorities which seek to encourage vibrant sustainable communities that are active, lively and inclusive

Bath & North East Somerset Council performs a number of diverse roles and functions in relation to supporting and facilitating events. These include statutory functions such as licensing sites and premises; undertaking road closures, ensuring health and safety requirements are being met to a more supporting role of organising cultural and recreational activities.


For their part, event organisers must comply with a variety of statutory duties
and local requirements, each overseen by different regulatory bodies.

This policy builds upon the procedure for planning events which was reviewed by the Enterprise and Economic Development Overview and Scrutiny panel in July 2010. The Events Policy was agreed by Cabinet on 9 November 2011. The document was revised and approved, via Single Member Decision on 31 March 2015 and updated on 1 November 2017. It seeks to promote a consistent, proactive and integrated approach to the provision of support services and regulatory functions for events by:

  • (a) Specifying the requirements that event organisers must meet in order to run a safe, legal event which benefits the community
  • (b) Identifying Council controlled spaces, highlighting the type of events that will be suitable for each space and setting out the criteria by which applications to use Council land will be judged. See Appendix 4 Events on Council Controlled Land for details.
  • (c) Defining Terms of Reference for the Safety Advisory Group for Events (SAGE) and outlining the process by which an event may be refused should it not meet minimum standards. See Appendix 1 for SAGE Terms of Reference.

Event Classifications

If your event impacts on the public highway you must contact the council’s Traffic Management and Traffic Network Team and Parking Services for advice.

For the purposes of this policy, we have classified different types of events.

Community event


A community event is an event organised and delivered by a registered charity, not-for-profit organisation, community or voluntary group that directly benefits local residents and stakeholders.

Commercial event


A commercial event is one that is organised around an identifiable commercial business or group of businesses who will benefit from the event. It is not sufficient to claim an event organised around one business or a group of businesses is, in some way, of wider community or charity benefit.

Small event


A small event is one where the total number of attendees (including both participants and spectators) does not exceed 499 people. However, if the event fits one of the criteria below, it may be classed as a major event. If these criteria are met, details will be sent to the SAGE Chair for consideration. Always contact the Events Office for guidance before proceeding.

Major event


A major event is an organised public activity that includes one or more of the following:

  • Involves 500 or more people (including both participants and spectators)
  • Is held outdoors, on public or privately owned land and/or affects the public highway
  • Operates on a regular or one off basis
  • Involves risk from the activity which warrants additional assistance and intervention above what is normally expected to ensure a safe and successful event

Major events require substantial forward planning and consultation with SAGE.


The SAGE Chair will have the discretion to determine which events are considered by SAGE - based on risk. This decision will be dependent, amongst other things, on the nature of the event, location, participants and includes events which are likely to cause significant disruption to traffic and parking arrangements. This risk-based provision will be exercised following consultation with other members of SAGE where necessary.

Events on private land


A large event planned to be held on private land may have an impact on the infrastructure of the wider area. Off-highway events can cause traffic congestion and may need on-street traffic management to ensure safety for the public entering or exiting the highway. Organisers need to consider traffic impact, and include this in their event management plan. There may also be licensing implications. Please inform our Events Office of your event as soon as possible, so we can advise and check for potential clashes.


A visit by a member of the Royal Family or a VIP may have an impact on the infrastructure of the wider area.


Events at sports grounds and venues which have regulated stands (stands of a capacity exceeding 499 spectators, where the legislation applies) are required to hold a safety certificate. These are normally issued only for the sport or activity that regularly occurs there (for example, football or rugby). If this certificate does not cover the activity taking place at your event, you will need to apply for a special safety certificate. These must be applied for these at least four weeks prior to your event. (See Appendix 3 – Timescales for Planning an Event for additional timescales which may apply) and can be obtained by contacting the Public Protection and Health Improvement Service.

Consultation with the Safety Advisory Group for Events (SAGE)


Major events, as defined above, will be referred to SAGE by our Events Office. A dialogue with SAGE must be initiated no later than 26 weeks before the event to allow the organiser enough time to address any concerns raised by the group. Consultation with SAGE and compliance with its recommendations are conditions of any land use agreement.


In imposing terms and conditions for spectator safety, the council will consult:

  • Avon and Somerset Police
  • Great Western Ambulance Service and NHS Trust
  • Avon Fire and Rescue Service


An invitation to attend SAGE is extended to other organisations as required. This may include for example appropriate representatives of:

  • Building Control
  • Corporate Health and Safety
  • Development Management
  • Emergency Planning
  • Environmental Protection
  • Food Safety
  • Health and Safety at Work
  • Highways and Street Works
  • Licensing
  • Neighbourhood Environmental Services
  • Parking Services
  • Property and Legal Services
  • Traffic and Safety


Depending on the nature of the event, other Council teams may be recruited to the SAGE for specialist advice. These include:

  • St John Ambulance/Red Cross or other medical provider
  • Stewarding and security provider
  • The owner of the property on which the event will take place

Informing councillors, residents and businesses


Prior to their event, the organiser is responsible engaging with local ward councillors, residents, businesses and any others affected by the event, to ensure that any potential negative impacts of the event are minimised and that, wherever possible, arrangements are agreed with local people to mitigate any inconvenience caused by the event. It is recommended organisers start this process at least 26 weeks before the event.


The organiser will be required to provide evidence that they have informed all of the above stakeholders of the details of their event and provided updates of any changes to their plans eg timings, number of attendees, routes etc; it is therefore necessary to keep a record of any steps taken and retain a record of this process.


The organiser must carry out any other consultation deemed necessary by the council.

Funding your event


You will need to think about how you will pay for the infrastructure, services and activities at your event. This includes costs for road closures, licenses and leases. The council will not cover these costs; it is therefore important that you obtain estimates for this work.


The organiser may be asked to provide proof that they will be able to cover any rechargeable costs. If they are unable to do so, the Council may require an increased bond to be paid in advance of the event. The bond is an amount, to be determined depending on the scale of the event, which will be held on deposit for the reparation of council land and assets. The bond will be returned in full if no rechargeable costs are incurred.

Traffic management


Off-highway events can cause traffic congestion and may need on street traffic management to ensure safety for the public entering or exiting the highway. Organisers of all events need to consider traffic impact and include this in their event management plan. If your event impacts on the public highway you must email our Traffic Management and Traffic Network Team and Parking Services for advice. See Appendix 2: Contact details (below)

Charges for additional services


Where an event requires input from our officers which goes beyond the standard or statutory advice and guidance provided to all event organisers, the council reserve the right to charge for services rendered.

Timescales for planning an event


Timescales are detailed at Appendix 3: Timescales for Planning an Event.

Application to use council land


Where an organiser wishes to hold an event in a public park or other public outdoor space, permission to use the land must be obtained from the Council via the Council’s on-line application system – Event App. The Council will require you to pay an administration fee for checking, validating and processing applications received and for liaising with other parties both internal and external to facilitate the Event taking place. A deposit bond will be required in advance of the event, in addition to your land hire fee, which will be returned if no rechargeable costs are incurred. See Appendix 4:  Events on Council Controlled Land for details.

Application to use the public highway


Where an organiser wishes to hold an event on the public highway, permission to close the road must be obtained from the Council’s Traffic Management and Traffic Network Team in consultation with Parking Services. See Appendix 2 Contact Details and Appendix 5 Events on the Public Highway.


The organiser must provide a Traffic Management Plan indicating proposals, with plans where appropriate. The Traffic Management Plan will effectively be a summary of all actions proposed. The Traffic Management Plan must be signed off three weeks in advance of the SAGE meeting. See Appendix 3 Timescales for Planning an Event for details.


No road or section of road can be closed more than once in any one 52-week period for the purposes of a street event without prior authorisation by the Secretary of State for Transport. For this reason the Council cannot guarantee closure of any road which has already been closed for a street event in the previous 52-week period.


The organiser must maintain signage on events that run across multiple days and arrange provision of a 24-hour-a-day service throughout the event.

Cancellation of land and public highways use agreement


The council reserve the right to revoke the land use agreement. See Appendix 4: Events on Council Controlled Land for details.



Consideration of the impact of events on the public transport network is essential. If your event requires a road closure or it will impact on the highway or public transport infrastructure then the event organiser should consult with Public Transport so they can liaise with local operators whose services will be affected and explore suitable diversion routes for bus services to minimise disruption to bus passengers.


The event organiser will need to provide the Public Transport team with specific dates and times and details of roads which will be closed or affected at least 8 weeks in advance with a date and time the road will re-open. This will enable Public Transport to liaise with bus operators to divert bus services and ensure passengers are informed in advance.


The event organiser must inform Public Transport in good time of changes or alterations to the event to ensure bus operators and bus stop notices can be updated. There is a charge incurred for this service.


The Council recommends that event organisers encourage the public to arrive at their event by sustainable means, making use of public transport, park and ride facilities, by train, cycling and walking where possible.

Parking Services


Displacement parking for residents is not provided by the Council.


For guidance on Parking Services – Suspension of Parking for Events see Appendix 5: Events on the Public Highway for details.


Where Pay & Display parking bays are suspended, there will be a charge to the organiser to cover the loss of revenue.

Regulatory requirements and best practice


Matters that must be addressed by event organisers are set out in this section. Not all will be relevant in every instance, but organisers need to consider any which apply to their event. Most issues covered in this section are statutory requirements.



All event organisers are bound by the requirements of the Equalities Act 2010, regardless of the size of the event or whether people will be charged for attending. As such, they are obliged to think ahead and make reasonable adjustments to ensure that disabled attendees (or potential attendees) are not put at a substantial disadvantage, compared with non-disabled people.


"Disability" has a broad meaning. It is defined as a physical or mental impairment that has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on the ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities.


What is a “reasonable” adjustment will depend on all the circumstances, including the cost of the adjustment, the potential benefit it might bring to other attendees (for example, ramps may also benefit attendees with small children), the resources an organisation has, and how practical the changes are.

Reasonable adjustments may include, but are in no way limited to:

  • Laying down temporary plywood paths on uneven or wet ground
  • Installing ramps next to steps
  • Providing toilets which are accessible and have adequate lighting for people with visual impairments
  • Displaying warning signs, if strobe lighting is to be used
  • Planning a way of communicating with deaf and hearing impaired attendees, in the event of an emergency

Any adjustments deemed reasonable should be in place before the event begins. Organisers should not wait until a disabled person experiences difficulties at the event, as it may then be too late to make the necessary adjustment.



The Department of Communities and Local Government has produced comprehensive guidance on the use of outdoor advertisements and signs. Event organisers are strongly advised to consult this guide at an early stage in the planning process. See Appendix 6: Sources of Information for link.


Advertisements and signage will normally require advertisement consent, which must be obtained from the council’s Development Management Team. An exception to this is for temporary notices or signs which are intended to advertise any local event being held for charitable purposes, such as a fête or sponsored marathon. Such advertisements must not exceed 0.6 of a square metre or be illuminated.


Any attachment or advertisement on a listed building will also require Listed Building Consent. It is preferable to avoid additional advertisements on listed buildings.


Regardless of whether advertisement consent is required, all outdoor advertisements must comply with five standard conditions. They must:

  • Be kept clean and tidy
  • Be kept in a safe condition
  • Have the permission of the owner of the site on which they are displayed (this includes the Highway Authority, if the sign is to be placed on highway land)
  • Not obscure, or hinder the interpretation of, official road, rail, waterway or aircraft signs, or otherwise make hazardous the use of these types of transport
  • Be removed carefully where so required by the planning authority

For further information and advice, contact Development Management. See Appendix 2: Contact Details


The Council has a Dressing the City Scheme which event organisers can apply to use to advertise their event at their own cost. There is a small booking fee attached, and this can be booked via the Traffic Management and Traffic Network Team. See Appendix 2: Contact Details.

Charity collections


If a charity collection is to be held during the event, the collection organiser must obtain a permit from Licensing. Only one collection can be held in an area at any one time and slots are often booked months in advance, so organisers are advised to contact the Licensing Team as early as possible. For further information and advice, contact the Council’s Licensing Team. See Appendix 2: Contact Details. For further information see Appendix 6: Sources of Information.

Equalities Policy Commitment


Bath and North East Somerset Council is committed to equality of opportunity for the whole community and believes that the diversity of the community is a major strength which contributes to the social and economic prosperity of the area. The Council commits to ensure that no resident of, or visitor to the area is treated inequitably or in an unlawful or unjustifiably discriminatory manner.


Events that compromise the council’s commitment to equal opportunities, in terms of their content and/or the organisers’ affiliations (negative attitudes, racial hatred, homophobia, etc) will not be sanctioned by the council.

Emergency vehicles


It is essential that emergency vehicles are able to access the site at all times. Nothing can be permitted to restrict access to hospitals and medical centres. Where an event is held on the highway, barriers can be used to close off the road and items such as tables and chairs can be placed on the highway, providing they can easily be removed if necessary.

Fire safety


The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 places the onus on a “responsible person” to actively pursue and maintain fire safety. In the case of one-off or occasional events, this will usually be the event organiser. The responsible person must carry out a risk assessment and implement appropriate measures to minimise the risk to life and property. The risk assessment must be reviewed and updated regularly.


Avon Fire and Rescue has a statutory duty to enforce compliance with the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005. They have powers to enter premises and carry out inspections to ascertain whether the Order is being complied with. In cases where a serious fire risk exists and the event organiser has failed to take appropriate steps to rectify it, the Fire Authority can serve an enforcement notice requiring specific improvements to be made in a set period of time.


If the Fire Authority believes that there is an imminent risk of personal injury, they can serve a prohibition notice restricting or prohibiting the use of the event site, with immediate effect. It is an offence for the responsible person (or any other person who has control over the premises) to fail to comply with the Order, or any notice served under it.


It is therefore advisable for event organisers to involve the Fire Authority at the earliest opportunity, in order to obtain advice and make improvements before formal action becomes necessary.


For further information and advice, contact Avon Fire and Rescue.

Food safety


Food poisoning can be at best very unpleasant and at worst extremely hazardous to health, particularly for older people or young children. It is preventable by following simple rules and planning ahead. There is no formal approval process for catering at small community events; however, organisers are encouraged to contact Public Protection and Health Improvement for advice and support.


Any professional caterers must be registered under the Food Safety Act 1990 and have received training in food hygiene; this applies even if food is being given away for free. An outline of the type of catering and facilities should be provided in advance of the event.


For further information and advice, contact the Council’s Public Protection and Health Improvement Team. See Appendix 2: Contact Details. For further information see Appendix 6: Sources of Information.

Health and Safety


Event organisers have a duty to ensure that health, safety and welfare are well managed for people working and attending their event. The key tool to assist with this duty is to undertake a risk assessment of the activities and implement the findings. Organisers are advised to consult The Purple Guide. It covers all relevant aspects of managing an event. See Appendix 6: Sources of Information for link.


Guidance on risk assessments for small events can be downloaded from the council’s website. See Appendix 6: Sources of Further Information.


Large and major events will require substantial forward planning and the risk assessment should be undertaken by a competent person. The assessment should form part of a wider Event Management Plan detailing how the event will be run.


For further information and advice, contact the Events Advice and Support Team. See Appendix 2: Contact Details.



Event organisers are responsible for ensuring they have the appropriate authorisation in place to cover the activities they are proposing to carry out. An authorisation is required for any event which involves one or more of the following:

  • Sales of alcohol, including the provision of alcohol in exchange for donations or as part of the ticket price
  • Regulated entertainment - entertainment that takes place in the presence of an audience, with the purpose of entertaining or partly entertaining that audience comprising of the public, or a section of the public.
  • Late night refreshment – hot food or hot drink served between 11pm and 5am


Many venues already hold a premises licence, so organisers should check whether the proposed activities are:

  • covered by an existing permission, and
  • the premises licence holder is willing to be responsible for the event by allowing the organiser to carry out licensable activities under their authorisation


If no such authorisation has effect, the organiser must either:

a) Serve a Temporary Event Notice (TEN)

This is a notice served on the Licensing Authority by the premises user to facilitate an event that lasts no longer than 168 hours (7 days), and has no more than 499 people on the premises at any given time. A copy of the notice must also be given to the Police and to Environmental Protection.

Ordinarily a TEN must be submitted at least 10 clear working days before the day of the event (not counting the day on which it is received, or the actual day of the event). TENs submitted after this deadline may only be accepted if received by the Licensing Authority, the Police and Environmental Protection within 5-9 clear working days prior to the date of the event. Such TENs are referred to as “late TENs”. If objections are received in respect of a “late” TEN, there is no right to a hearing - there will in effect be no authorisation, and it would therefore be unlawful for the proposed licensable activities to take place during the event.

As the legislation limits the number of “late” TENS a person may issue, it is advisable to endeavor to meet the requirement of 10 clear working days’ notice to avoid disappointment.


b) Apply for a Premises Licence

A premises licence is necessary where a TEN is unsuitable. The application process is substantially more complex than that of issuing a notice; therefore event organisers should start the process at least 8 weeks prior to the event date. There is a statutory requirement for the application to be advertised both at the premises and within a local publication. Time is allowed for any of the relevant Responsible Authorities and/or any other persons to make representations in respect of the application. If relevant representations are received by the Licensing Authority within this prescribed period, the matter will be determined by the Licensing Sub-Committee.

WarningThe application process is substantially more complex than that of a TEN, and takes a minimum of two months

18.10. 4

The Licensing Team will process and determine all applications within the statutory timescales set out in the Licensing Act 2003.


As several entertainment activities have been partially deregulated by the Government (subject to certain criteria being met), it is in the organiser’s best interest to contact the Council’s Licensing Team at their earliest convenience to discuss their licensing needs. See Appendix 2: Contact Details and Appendix 7: Licenses in Bath and North East Somerset for reference.

Planning permission


The Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995 as amended, grants a general permission for the temporary use of land for up to 28 days in any calendar year. The period is restricted to 14 days in the case of the holding of a market (which includes a car boot sale) and motor sports. Regularly held events that exceed the 14 / 28 day limit will require planning permission. This restriction applies to each piece of land and is the total number of days, in any calendar year, that the land can be used for temporary purposes before planning permission is required. It should be noted that if the land in question is within the curtilage of a building these “permitted development rights” do not apply. Also, these rights do not always apply to the use of land as a caravan site and are more restrictive if the land is within a Site of Special Scientific Interest.


If an applicant would like advice before submitting a planning application, this can be obtained from Development Management by using the pre-application form. See Appendix 6: Sources of Information for the link. Please note that there are charges for this advice, and you should allow 20 working days for a response.


For further information and advice, email

Street Trading


Organisers should ensure that traders operating at the event have the correct authorisation.

A pedlar's certificate allows a person to sell goods (usually trinkets, household goods and other handmade objects), whilst on foot. The pedlar cannot remain in one place; they must go to their customers to sell their items, rather than allow customers to come to them. A pedlar's certificate is obtained from the Chief Officer of Police for the area in which the pedlar lives. For further information and advice about pedlar's certificates, contact Avon and Somerset Police. See Appendix 2: Contact Details.


Anyone who wishes to sell from a fixed location on a street must apply for a Street Trading Consent. Applications must be made to the council’s licensing team and will be determined within 12 weeks. The application fee may be waived if all profits are donated to charity; however, the application period remains the same.


If a licensed charitable street collection is taking place, the organiser may sell goods, providing all proceeds are contributed to the collection. This does not require a separate Street Trading Consent.


For further information and advice about street trading and charity collections, contact the council’s licensing team.

Trading Standards


The organiser should notify Trading Standards if the proposed event involves shops or stalls trading in food, drink or goods. Trading Standards officers may attend the event to carry out inspections, to ensure fair trading in accordance with the following legislation:


Although individual traders will be subject to enforcement action if they operate illegally, the organiser has overall responsibility for ensuring that all activities taking place at the event are run in compliance with the law.


For further information and advice, contact the council’s Trading Standards team.

Temporary structures


Organisers of events who intend to erect temporary structures such as grandstands, stages, lighting, sound or control towers, tents, marquees or canopies should contact Building Control well in advance of the event and provide sufficient details including layout plans and construction details/calculations to enable the structural stability of the structure to be verified. The Building Control section will check the information provided and undertake inspections to ascertain the structural stability of any significant temporary structures.


The Chartered Institute of Structural Engineers has produced comprehensive guidance on temporary demountable structures.


For further information and advice, contact the council’s Building Control service.

Waste management and recycling


Where an event is held on council controlled land, it will be a condition of the land use agreement that the organiser must restore the land to Grade “A” condition as defined in the Code of Practice on Litter and Refuse issued under Part IV of the Environmental Protection Act 1990. Failure to do so will lead to the immediate termination of the agreement and the Divisional Director of Environmental Services may arrange for the necessary cleaning work to be undertaken and charged to the organiser.


If the event is held on the highway under a road closure order, the organiser should restore the road to the Grade “A” standard of cleanliness before the road reopens at the end of the event. In exceptional circumstances, the Grade “B” standard will be acceptable but this will be at the discretion of the Divisional Director of Environmental Services and will need to be agreed in advance of the event. Failure to restore the road to the agreed standard will lead to the immediate termination of the agreement and the Divisional Director of Environmental Services may arrange for the necessary cleaning work to be undertaken and charged to the organiser.


The council is committed to minimising the use of landfill. Organisers should therefore provide suitable facilities for recycling as much litter and waste as possible, such as glass bottles and jars, cans, plastic bottles, cardboard, food, newspapers and magazines, unless otherwise agreed by the council. Where an application is made to use council land, consideration will be given to recycling arrangements prior to the application being granted.


The council operates a commercial waste and recycling service or alternative waste and recycling companies (other than the council’s commercial waste and recycling services) can be found in local directories and via the internet. Any waste contractor or carrier used must be registered with the Environment Agency. The organiser must ensure that all duty of care responsibilities are followed, details of which can be found on the Environment Agency website.


For further information and advice, contact Waste Services.

Adequate and accessible toilet facilities


It is the duty of the event organiser to provide adequate and accessible toilet facilities for events. Guidance on the anticipated number of attendees to toilet provision rations can be found in The Purple Guide.


For small scale community events in a location where there are public toilets the council will need to be aware of your requirements in order that they can arrange for extended opening hours and extra cleaning. There will be a charge incurred for this service.

Climate emergency


The council declared a Climate Emergency in March 2019 and committed to provide leadership to enable a carbon neutral Bath and North East Somerset by 2030. In response to the Climate Emergency declaration, events taking place in council controlled spaces must demonstrate and evidence that they have taken measures to reduce the impact of their operational activities across the following areas: energy and water use, transport and travel, sourcing of food, beverages and procurement of other supplies, waste and recycling, protecting the landscape and wildlife from contamination including from plastics and micro-plastics. This can be achieved by, for example:

  • Use of electric vehicles at events
  • Use of clean electric battery generators
  • Use reusable vessels for beverages, such as plastic cup deposit schemes
  • Avoid all single-use, disposable packaging, for example - straws, sachets for condiments and cutlery
  • Make free drinking water available. The local water authority may be able to assist in providing drinking water stations at your event
  • Provide waste and recycling facilities, ensuring that you procure the service from a reputable provider
  • For display and promotional materials, make use of reusable or recyclable products and, for example – reuse banners with date changes, find alternatives to cable ties

Clean Air Zone


In line with the Bath & North East Somerset Council declaration of a Climate Emergency, the council is actively seeking to improve air quality and reduce carbon dioxide emissions across the authority. Therefore we ask event organisers to work with us in ensuring that events do not counteract the impact of schemes aimed at improving the local environment.


The council is actively encouraging all residents and businesses to change the way they think about using our local transport networks and where possible walk, cycle and use public transport - taxis, buses, coaches and trains.


When planning events organisers are therefore encouraged to develop transport and travel plans that promote these more sustainable modes of transport with the aim of encouraging as many staff and attendees as possible to travel in this way, keeping their environmental footprint to a minimum and ensuring that Bath is also a place for future generations to enjoy.

Restricted events


The council reserves the right to refuse permission for some events to be held, or advertising for them to be displayed, on the highway or council controlled land. These include organisations or events which are either directly involved with, or associated with, any of the following activities:

  • Any illegal activity
  • Extreme political parties or organisations
  • Any activity that might cause disharmony on the grounds of race, religion, sexual orientation, disability; any activity or attitudes which compromise our commitment to Equal Opportunities
  • Any business involved in the manufacture or sales of firearms
  • Manufacturers of instruments of torture
  • Businesses involved in the fur trade
  • Companies involved in the sex industry
  • Any organisations involved in blood sports, which involve the use of animals or birds to catch, fight or kill each other
  • Tobacco manufacturers and distributors
  • Alcohol manufacturers
  • Businesses involved in animal experimentation
  • Any activity that might cause a detrimental impact on air quality
  • Releasing of sky lanterns or balloons (whether filled with helium or not)
  • Any other activity reasonably deemed to be inappropriate by our nominated officers (the Divisional Director of Environmental Services, in consultation with Cabinet)


Where an event on the highway or council controlled land will include the use of performing animals, you must provide proof that the animals have been properly registered and give details of the registering authority. You will be expected to comply with all relevant animal welfare legislation and established best practice.

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