Use this page to get information on rent and payments as a commercial tenant of a Bath and North East Somerset-owned property.
Planned maintenance and service charge
Some properties have multiple units, and we handle external and communal repairs and maintenance. Here’s how it works:
- Planned maintenance: done every 5 years.
- Cyclical repairs and services: like fire alarm maintenance, covered by an annual service charge.
If you share the property with other tenants, you’ll need to help pay for the following costs:
- Service charge: Paid yearly.
- Planned maintenance: Paid every 5 years or when needed.
Your share of these costs will be either stated in your lease or based on how much of the building you use.
Alterations to the property
The lease will detail what changes you can make to the property and when you will need our approval.
You might also need:
- Planning permission
- Listed building consent
- Other statutory consents
For approval, you must provide:
- Three copies of detailed drawings of your plans
- A specification of the proposed works
- Copies of the statutory consents
Contact our Pre-application Advice Service if you're not sure which permissions and consents you need.
Contact us
Contact the property valuer to check our requirements.