6.4 Delays to the financial assessment process
If you (or your financial representative) unreasonably delay completing the financial assessment the Council will apply a 'light touch financial assessment' and you will be assessed to pay the full costs of your care and support from the start date of the service provision.
If you then provide information for a full financial assessment within four weeks, which results in a lower charge, any reduction in charge will be reimbursed or credited against future care and support charges. If you provide the information after four weeks consideration will be given to refunding the difference – depending on the circumstances of the case and the reasons for the delay. The Director of Adult Care holds discretion in this matter33.
‘Unreasonable delay’ will be determined on an individual basis; as a general rule, however, the Council expects you (or your representative) to be available to complete a financial assessment within four weeks of contact from the Care Finance Officer.
If the Care Finance Officer asks you for further information to support or complete your assessment, the Council would expect you to provide this within two weeks of the date it was requested.
- 33See the Councils Guide Working Out Your Care charges Annex A.