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City centre to the Kennet & Avon canal

The route begins on the west side of Pulteney Bridge, before crossing its way onto Argyle Street and then Great Pulteney Street. This route is currently part of National Cycle Route 4.

The A36 crossing proposals make improvements to the National Cycle Route 4 (NCN 4) and key routes for walking and wheeling within the city of Bath. The crossings will improve connectivity to Bathwick St Mary Primary School, Sydney Gardens, the Holburne Museum and Great Pulteney Street. We want to make walking, wheeling and cycling safer and more convenient so that more people will choose active travel modes.

View a map of the route

Bath Walking, Wheeling and Cycling Links' proposals are independent of decisions being made on the Liveable Neighbourhoods projects. However, if approved, both projects will be complementary and refined based on the outcome of the Liveable Neighbourhood trial and consultations. As a result, any cycling intervention would be reviewed following the outcome of the ETRO (Experimental Traffic Regulation Orders).

The designs will be developed in more detail following the public consultation and further technical information being collected. The designs will be subject to further technical approval and funding requirements.

Expand the sections below to find out more about the improvements we are proposing.

Great Pulteney Street

We are proposing the following for Pulteney Bridge to Great Pulteney Street:

  • On Argyle Street and Laura Place way-finding improvements will be proposed; no other works proposed as part of this scheme.
  • Continuous footways are proposed over the junctions with William Street. Sunderland Street and Edward Street to improve pedestrian crossing facilities.

A36 Sydney Place upgraded crossing

We are proposing the following for the A36 Sydney Place upgraded crossing:

  • The existing signalised crossing at A36 Sydney Place would be upgraded to a Toucan crossing that will accommodate those cycling, as well as walking and wheeling. This is following feedback we received previously on the crossing’s use. The signal equipment at this junction will be upgraded.
  • A small area of pavement either side of the crossing would be made into a shared use path to provide connectivity to the roads.
  • A right turn pocket for those cycling will connect to the crossings from Great Pulteney Street and Sydney Place.

An artist's impression of a woman crossing a street using a Toucan crossing

An artist's impression of a Toucan crossing over the A36 Sydney Place/Darlington Street, based on our preliminary designs

A36 Beckford Road crossing improvements

We are proposing the following for the A36 Beckford Road crossing improvements:

  • A new Toucan crossing that can be used for walking, wheeling and cycling over the A36 Beckford Road between the Kennet and Avon Canal and access to Sydney Gardens.
  • An improved pedestrian crossing over the A36 Beckford Road at the junction of Beckford Road with Sydney Road. The signal equipment at this junction will be upgraded.
  • The pavement between the upgraded crossings on the south side of Beckford Road will be widened and made into a shared use path to provide connectivity.
  • A new shared use path is proposed to connect people walking, wheeling and cycling from the Kennet and Avon Canal to the new crossing.

Who we are consulting with

We want to hear from anyone who has an interest in this area, whether you travel by walking, wheeling, or cycling or not. We want to understand if these proposals will enable people to adopt active travel methods, and whether there are any measures or infrastructure that you think we have missed.

Respond to the consultation online

The consultation is now closed.

Get an alternative format

If you need the consultation material in an alternative format such as large print, easy read, audio recording, or braille please email

Come to a consultation event

We will be holding four consultation events where we will be able to answer any questions you may have about our proposals. The table below shows the details of the events.

Consultation events
Date and time Location
Monday 4 November 2024, 3pm to 7pm Locksbrook Campus, The Street, Bath Spa University, BA1 3EL
Monday 11 November 2024, 2pm to 5pm Sydney Gardens Pavillion, Bath, BA2 4DB
Tuesday 12 November 2024, 3pm to 7pm Brunswick Room, Guildhall, Bath, BA1 5AW
Wednesday 13 November 2024, 3pm to 7pm Brunswick Room, Guildhall, Bath, BA1 5AW

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