This Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) deals with securing planning obligations from new development.
The SPD is split into three parts.
Part 1 is an introduction setting out the purpose and scope of the SPD
Part 2 provides the statutory and policy context to planning obligations and details the process of securing planning obligations
Part 3 lists the types of infrastructure that we might seek planning obligations for, including how financial contributions will be calculated if this is relevant
The appendices provide extra information relating to financial contributions in place of the provision of Affordable Housing.
Changes to the existing SPD
We intend to make the following key changes to the existing SPD:
- Include a new section on carbon offsetting
- Include a new section on biodiversity net gain
- Capture amendments to the sustainable transport policies
- Capture amendments to the housing accessibility policy
- Update affordable housing delivery requirements
- Provide further clarity in the green infrastructure sections, including indexed costs
- Provide clarity on school extensions, new school costs and contributions towards secondary schools
- Clarify that planning obligations will also be sought from extra care/care homes (C2 use) and purpose build student accommodation
- Include reference to Section 106 monitoring fees
- Include several minor updates including to indexed costs to add further clarity