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Index: Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs)

These documents add extra information to the policies for our area, contained in the Development Plan. You should always read SPDs and guidance notes together with the Development Plan document and local policy mapping, to get a fuller understanding of an area or issue. They add local context or technical detail, and we will take them into account when we consider an application for a proposed development. 

SPDs cover a wide range of special areas of interest. All are the result of public consultations in a local area, and many are compiled by experts in a particular field, such as archaeology, heritage or conservation. Find an area or topic which is relevant to you by using the search facility below, or search our Article 4 Directions to see which areas have additional local protection.

 Evidence base for policy documents

We have produced and commissioned a series of studies, documents and background evidence to support the development of our most important planning policy documents: our Local PlanPlacemaking Plan and Core Strategy.

Background documents and evidence for the Core Strategy and Placemaking Plan are available on request. Please email us at with your request, and we will supply them within working 10 days.

Supplementary Planning Documents

44 results

This Mendip Hills AONB Partnership Committee document is a guide for farmers, designers and planning officers on the design of agricultural buildings in the Mendip Hills AONB (Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty).

This guidance explains the significance of archaeology and the historic environment to local planning processes. It supports householders and developers to take a sustainable approach to the management of sites and objects with historical importance.

This document has been overtaken by changes in national planning practice guidance. Nevertheless, it contains useful information and guidance that should still answer most of your questions.

This document identifies zones of archaeology in Bath and provides guidance for householders and developers on the impact of archaeological issues on proposed developments.

This document has been overtaken by changes in national planning practice guidance. Nevertheless, it contains useful information and guidance that should still answer most of your questions.

There are national regulations about what changes you can make to a property without needing to apply for planning permission, known as 'permitted development.' However, under some circumstances, we can apply local restrictions to types of development which would normally count as permitted.

This document outlines the character and setting of Bath, from a planning perspective. It acts as a guide for householders and developers, to support them in proposing developments which will maintain and enhance the character of the city.

These character appraisals give an in-depth survey of the features which make the different areas of Bath distinctive. There is a particular emphasis on the heritage features which contribute to the area's conservation area status. Select the areas you are interested from the documents below. 

This document gives guidance on the design of commercial shopfronts, signage and tables and chairs to be placed outside within the Bath Conservation Area.

These documents are an analysis of the design of Bath's Victorian and Georgian shopfronts. They include guidelines for the design of new shopfronts and the conservation of traditional shopfronts in the city.

These documents provide a spatial master-plan and implementation framework for the regeneration project on the Western Riverside area of Bath. It is likely there will periodic reviews to these documents, as they relate to a long-term major redevelopment.

This assessment describes the character of the landscape of Bath, as a setting for the Bath World Heritage Site. 

This document supports developers preparing development proposals for the Walcot Street area of Bath, by outlining the character of this area from a Planning perspective. We will use this document to assess any planning applications.

This guidance is intended to provide general advice to owners of historic buildings, developers, architects, surveyors and anyone proposing measures to improve energy efficiency or domestic scale renewable energy of designated and undesignated heritage assets.

The Energy Efficiency Retrofitting & Renewables Permitted Development Check List & Guidance Note is also available.

This Supplementary Planning Document gives guidance on how to construct or improve buildings to minimise wasted energy and water.

This document provides guidance for householders or developers on our approach to assessing proposed extensions to, or replacement of, domestic buildings in the Green Belt.

This document examines the traditional, natural and man-made materials used in Wansdyke's buildings, and offers advice on how choice of materials can help new developments to blend successfully with the existing environment.

The First Homes Interim Position Statement sets out our approach in respect of First Homes whilst affordable housing policy (including in relation to First Homes) is reviewed comprehensively through the Local Plan 2022 to 2042. Planning applications that make provision for First Homes will also be determined against national policy, including the Written Ministerial Statement of May 2021.

This document offers advice on methods and strategies to protect historic buildings from damage by birds. It has an emphasis on minimising impact both on the birds and on the heritage value of the historic environment.

This survey gives a historical background for understanding the character of Twerton High Street and its most notable buildings, from a planning perspective. We will consider any new development proposals in the context of this document.

This short guidance note offers advice on the historic vaults of many buildings in Bath, their original functions, heritage value, and common problems relating to damp in these structures. It also explains our position in determining listed building applications for the alteration of vaults, and in particular damp proofing works.

This document aims to safeguard the Mendips AONB (Area of Outstanding National Beauty) from inappropriate development related to keeping horses. It offers guidance on the siting, layout and design of developments such as stables and exercise areas, so as to maximise sustainability and minimise the impact on the landscape.

This document outlines our approach to assessing proposed developments to turn residential homes into Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs) within the city of Bath. It aims to encourage a sustainable community, by encouraging an appropriately balanced housing mix across the city, supporting a wide variety of households in all areas.

This note is intended to provide Development Management and applicants with a guide to the factors that contribute to 'strong economic reasons' for refusal of planning applications as set out in B&NES Placemaking Plan Policy ED2B.

This leaflet offers guidance in pasture management and horse care and welfare, to minimise the chances of landscape or environmental damage, and to maximise the welfare of the animals.

This survey forms part of our aims to enhance and regenerate the conservation area in the commercial centre of Keynsham. The documents describes the shopfronts and facades of buildings in the High Street, Temple Street and the top of Bath Hill, comparing current designs and uses with historic records, and historic photographs from the 1890s to the present day. There is a guidance document with recommendations for how the buildings can be conserved and enhanced.

This document describes the character of Larkhall from a planning perspective. We will refer to it when assessing planning applications for this area. It also highlights some of the concerns of the local community and provides  impetus for future action and involvement of local people in managing their environment.