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Whitchurch village: Site options

How we have designed Site Options for Whitchurch Village

6.95  A variety of site options for development are set out in the next four pages, which have been prepared in response to the key issues, priorities and objectives set out for Whitchurch Village. Explanation as to how each of the site options responds to the key issues, priorities and objectives is set out within the opportunities and constraints lists for each site option. Where mitigation or additional evidence work is required to achieve priorities and objectives, we have also added points about these issues. 

6.96  The land parcels which make up the site options below have been assessed in more detail in various supporting documents, including the Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (HELAA), the Sustainability Appraisal (SA), and the Whitchurch Village Strategic Planning Options Document (SPO). The table below sets out the HELAA and SA references relevant to each site option.

Whitchurch Village Site Options with HELAA and SA codes
Site Option         HELAA SA
Option A    WCH03, WCH04a, SCH26, WCH26b, WCH08, WCH29, WCH30 W1,W3,W4  
Option B   

WCH21, WCH22, WCH22b, WCH08,  WCH29, WCH30

Option C    WCH26, WCH26d W4
Option D    WCH22 W2

Research we will do after this consultation

6.97    Following consultation on these site options, a detailed assessment of the transport impact of each site will be undertaken, to inform selection of sites to be included in the Draft Plan. The cumulative impact of all sites included in the Draft Plan will also be assessed. Any site allocations in the Draft Plan will define site-specific interventions required.  

The Site Options we are presenting

6.98    Options A and B provide around 500-600 new homes. This is the minimum number of homes considered to be required to support a new primary school in the village. This quantum of development is also more likely to be able to support the provision of other facilities such as a new village shop.

6.99    Options C and D provide 150 new homes. This is the maximum number of homes considered able to be supported by the existing village primary school. This quantum of development would be unlikely to support provision of other facilities for the village. 

How we'd like you to respond

We recommend reading about all four Site Options before responding, so you can balance all of the alternative approaches and considerations before giving us your feedback.

If you can, we'd like you to give us your comments about each Site Option individually. Tell us how you feel about the proposal, and why. You'll also have an opportunity to suggest amendments or alternatives to each proposal individually. 

There will be a question asking you to compare, contrast or comment on some or all of the options together, following Option D. You'll also have a chance to say if you'd prefer no development at all in Whitchurch Village, and why.