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Lower Lansdown and The Circus

Update on the Lower Lansdown and The Circus area

A package of measures for this Liveable Neighbourhood (LN), based on community feedback, has now been shortlisted. 

Currently we are running through-traffic restriction trials, ahead of wider measures. 

We will update this web page when these trials are complete, and a decision is reached on whether to make them permanent or not. 

Depending on the outcome of the trials, our intention is to engage the community on the wider measures. These measures are outlined in the full business case for the programme, and we will provide more detail once trials are complete. 

You can also read the Liveable Neighbourhoods Full Business Case.

The Lower Lansdown and The Circus area is one of the 15 areas in our community-led Liveable Neighbourhoods programme. It is located near the centre of Bath and is approximately 0.7 miles from Bath Spa train station.

About the programme

Liveable Neighbourhoods is a community-led programme that aims to improve residential streets and encourage safe, active and more sustainable forms of travel, such as walking, wheeling and cycling.

Typical improvements suggested by communities are:

  • Better crossings, footways and cycle lanes to connect homes with shops, schools and community hubs  
  • Traffic-calming measures to tackle anti-social driving, speeding and inconsiderate parking
  • Pleasant places for people to sit and meet others outside

Find out more about LNs and their benefits

Our approach

Our role is to support communities to develop their own LNs, engaging with them at every stage of development. We want to hear from a diverse range of people to ensure the final designs meet everyone’s needs.  

Read more about our approach to developing LNs

Development of this LN

  • In Autumn 2020, we asked residents across the district how they felt about LNs, and 48 communities then applied to become a LN, via ward councillors.
  • In June 2021, we prioritised 15 areas where development of LNs could start (this included the Lower Lansdown and The Circus area).
  • In December 2021, we asked for your feedback on what was good about the area, what transport-related issues you experience, and what improvements would make the most impact. 
  • In Spring/Summer 2022, we held a series of co-design workshops where residents suggested a range of measures to help (see Co-design outcomes below).
  • During 2022/23, we shortlisted residents’ suggestions against a range of technical criteria and prepared draft designs to be considered in a full business case from winter 2023/4.
  • In Autumn 2023, we announced a proposal to trial several through-traffic restriction trials in this area ahead of the wider programme and in August 2023, installed these trials alongside a six month public consultation.

View our full project development timeline which includes links to the relevant reports and the next steps for the wider LN programme.

Please expand the sections below to find out more.

During a public consultation in Autumn 2020 on Liveable Neighbourhoods in B&NES, we received the following results from 1,575 respondents (including residents and visitors to the B&NES area):

  • 85% said they agreed with the principle of reducing the dominance of vehicles in residential areas
  • 84% said they agreed that to establish LNs, it may be necessary to restrict through traffic on certain streets
  • 78% agreed that certain trade-offs are required to achieve those aims

Out of the 1,625 responses submitted as part of our public engagement in December 2021, 375 people commented on the Lower Lansdown and The Circus area. 

The most common issues cited were through traffic (69%), followed by speeding traffic (61%), parking (33%) and school run traffic (33%). 61% of those responding to the survey from the Lower Lansdown area went on to say that a restriction on through traffic would have the most impact in addressing these issues.

Below is a summary of what people said: 

What is good about the area?

  • 197 said 'close to shops and services'
  • 178 said 'strong community spirit'
  • 120 said 'good accessibility, such as walking, wheeling and cycling'

What issues are experienced?

  • 257 said 'through traffic'
  • 227 said 'speeding traffic'
  • 124 said 'parking'
  • 122 said school run traffic'
  • 89 said 'HGV traffic'
  • 89 said 'space for wheeling, walking or cycling'

What measures could improve the area?

  • 228 said 'a restriction on through traffic or HGVs'
  • 80 said 'new pedestrian crossings'
  • 75 said 'EV charging facilities'
  • 73 said 'better or more residents parking'

We held a workshop on 27 July 2022 with residents who expressed an interest during earlier consultations to co-design the Lower Lansdown and The Circus Liveable Neighbourhood.

At the workshop, 85 residents took part in a series of exercises to identify what they liked about the area, what could be improved, and what specific measures could help, plotting these on a map of the area.

To see the maps and the longlist of ideas suggested by the community, please view the report below.

In August 2022, attendees were invited back to review the outcomes of the workshop and prioritise their ideas, focusing on the original application area.

View the workshop report

Our partner Sustrans is helping to broaden our engagement by involving people in the community with different and seldom-heard voices. During co-design, they visited community groups to gather their feedback.

View the Sustrans workshop report

Recommendations for design

During 2023/24 we have reviewed the ideas put forward during previous engagements against a range of criteria. This work, conducted with ward councillors, has resulted in a shortlist of measures that we believe will bring most benefit to the community alongside a consideration of costs and technical feasibility.

This final shortlist of measures will be published in the final business case for the LN programme in Autum 2024, when we will start to engage residents on the wider programme design.

Meanwhile, we are trialling three early measures which are through-traffic restrictions in Winifred’s Lane, Catharine Place and Gay Street (please continue reading the section on Lower Lansdown for more information).

Lower Lansdown experimental trials 2024 to 2025

Due to strong support for tackling through traffic in the area, we are installing three linked trials in the area from 1 November 2024 (ahead of the wider programme).

The three trials include:

  • A through-traffic restriction on Catharine Place 
  • A through-traffic restriction on Winifred’s Lane 
  • A no-entry for motorised vehicles into Gay Street from the George Street junction; and a left-turn only into George Street from this section of Gay Street to prevent southbound vehicles from travelling straight on to Queen Square. 

The trials will be in place for a minimum of six months from 5 August 2024, accompanied by an ongoing public consultation.

Find out more about the trials and public consultation

Next steps

We are preparing a full business case (FBC) for the wider LN programme to establish funding priorities. This will be submitted to the West of England Combined Authority in summer/autumn 2024. We will engage the public on the overall design for this LN once the FBC has been approved.

View the project development timeline

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Contact us

If you would like to talk to an advisor, get involved in the LN programme or be kept up to date on future events, email us at, or call 01225 39 40 25 (and request a call-back from a team member)

Please also let us know if you need this information in easy-read or an alternative format.