In 2020, we implemented a bus gate on Milsom Street, operating daily between 10am and 6pm, to support public transport and social distancing for pedestrians during the pandemic. We are proposing to implement an Experimental Traffic Regulation Order (ETRO) between 10am and 6pm, to test how the bus gate might work on a permanent basis.
During these operating hours, only the following modes of transport will be available through the bus gate:
- Buses
- Emergency vehicles
- Walking
- Cycling
Blue Badge holders can use disabled bays on Quiet Street and New Bond Street by travelling via Old King Street, John Street and Quiet Street. There are also four disabled bays in Broad Street Car Park, giving direct access through to Milsom Street via a pedestrian route.
We will enforce the bus gate through the use of Automatic Number Plate Recognition Cameras.
The project so far
Since we introduced the bus gate in June 2020, we have been monitoring the temporary restriction, as well as speaking to key stakeholders and considering the feedback received from residents and businesses.
As a result of this, we have made several adjustments to assist people with limited mobility, as well as businesses and residents with their deliveries. We have made the following changes:
Providing 3 new loading bays on George Street to create dedicated space for loading and unloading near Milsom Street
Announcing plans to install 5 additional Blue Badge parking bays in New Bond Street and 2 new disabled bays on Quiet Street (taking the total number of spaces in this area from 4 to 11)
Making plans to improve the pedestrian route between Broad Street car park and Milsom Street
Allowing Dial-a-Ride Community Transport access to Milsom Street to drop off and pick up passengers during operating hours
View the proposal on a map
Map showing our proposed bus gate on Milsom Street
View parking provision for Blue Badge holders
The map below shows existing parking spaces (in blue) and proposed new spaces (in yellow)
Map showing potential and existing blue badge parking provision for the area affected by the bus gate proposal
Next steps
We are proposing a 6-month trial of the Milsom Street bus gate, before deciding whether to make it permanent. See the map below for the area affected by the bus gate.
You can see in detail what we're proposing, and have your say on the proposed traffic restrictions, on the following pages.