The timeline below shows each stage of the proposed RPZ project, including those already completed, the current (active) stage, and future activity.
Public consultation
CompletedThe first stage of the consultation set out our initial proposals for Oldfield Park and Westmoreland.
View the original consultation
This stage of the consultation is now closed. -
Consultation feedback and decision
CompletedRead the feedback report on the consultation results.
A decision has been taken to proceed to the next stage of consultation. There will be some modifications to the proposals as a result of the feedback from the first stage of consultation. We will provide more detail when the next stage of consultation starts in June.
Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) consultation
CompletedWe amended the RPZ proposals, taking into account the feedback we received in the initial consultation.
We launched a second public consultation, allowing residents to comment on a Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) and the detailed proposals for the RPZ in this area.
Final decision
CompletedFollowing the feedback we received in the TRO consultation, we have decided to introduce an RPZ in this area.
View the consultation feedback report
Read the press release
Final design (approved December 2022)
You can explore the details of the original, final design on our interactive map below. We have decided the locations of proposed parking bays and parking restrictions based on detailed safety assessments of the roads covered by the scheme, and your feedback from our previous consultations.
View the original design on a map
Warning We have temporarily amended this final design for a minimum of six months from 29 August 2023, in order to trial more short stay visitor bays. View our consultation web page for the latest map of the zone and for details of the trial. -
Zone introduction
CompletedThe zone was launched on 29 August 2023. From this date, residents will need to have a valid permit to park in the zone.
Permits are available in durations of 1, 3, 6 and 12 months and the cost is based on the emissions of your vehicle. As a resident, you can also purchase digital visitor permits even if you are not a permit holder.
ETRO consultation
OngoingFrom the launch of the zone (29 August), we are trialling additional short-stay visitor bays in the zone to help prioritise parking for residents while also ensuring adequate provision for visitors to local amenities, such as the GP surgery.
We are doing this through an Experimental Traffic Regulation Order (ETRO), which temporarily amends the final, approved design for a minimum of 6 months (until 29 February), during which time we are inviting residents to have their say.
A decision must be reached on the trial within 18 months of its start date, but we expect to reach a decision on whether to make the trial bays permanent shortly after the minimum six-month trial period when the consultation ends. Until a decision is reached, the trial bays will remain in place. See Decision on ETRO trial below.
Monitoring and amendments
OngoingWe will undertake parking surveys in the wider area before and after the RPZ is put in place to ensure it’s working and not displacing parking.
We will also be monitoring the use of the trial short-stay visitor bays as part of our ETRO consultation (see above).
We will be monitoring the impact of the new zones and we welcome feedback from residents and visitors. An annual review of the zones will also help us to address any minor issues.
Decision on ETRO trial
ActiveWe will analyse and publish the monitoring data and consultation feedback collected during the trial which ran from 20 August to 29 February 2024.
We will then make a decision on whether to make the additional short-stay bays permanent, and will publish links to the outcomes on this page.
We expect to make a final decision by the early March 2025.
Support to begin the statutory TRO process has been requested from the Cabinet Member for Highways.