The timeline below shows the lifecycle of the Somer Valley Links project.
It includes any current (active) stage, those already completed, as well as expected future stages.
WECA public consultation
CompleteBetween June and August 2023 the West of England Combined Authority ran a public consultation. Read the consultation feedback report on their website.
Outline business case approval
CompleteCouncillor Sarah Warren approved the outline business case.
Public consultation
On targetThis consultation gives you an opportunity to have your say on our proposals for Somer Valley Links. We will publish a feedback report after this period of consultation.
Amend designs
On targetWe will consider your feedback and make relevant changes to our proposals.
Full business case approval
On targetIt is expected that the full business case will be approved.
On targetIt is expected that preparations for construction will begin in 2025, for on-site activity in 2026. Sign up to get alerts and updates