The Somer Valley Links (SVL) project aims to improve travel between Midsomer Norton, Radstock and Bath via the A367, Bristol via the A37, and the A362 link road between them, through better bus infrastructure and enabling more walking, wheeling and cycling.
The proposals include eight new mobility hubs, significant bus infrastructure improvements with 22 bus stop upgrades, a kilometre of new bus lanes, and substantial changes to the walking, wheeling and cycling network.
SVL is a strategic corridor project, funded by the Department for Transport (DfT) and previously led by the West of England Mayoral Combined Authority (WECA), within the City Region Sustainable Transport Settlement (CRSTS) programme.
The public consultation closes at midnight on Sunday 16th March.
- What Somer Valley Links means for you
- Mobility hubs
- Bus infrastructure improvements
- Walking, wheeling and cycling improvements
- Wellsway and Bear Flat
- Summary of improvements by location
- How to take part in the consultation
- Glossary of types of improvements
- Project development timeline
- Sign up to Somer Valley Links alerts