The timeline below shows the lifecycle of the Liveable Neighbourhood (LN) programme up to the detailed design stage for each LN area.
It includes the current (active) stage, those already completed, as well as expected future stages.
Liveable Neighbourhoods strategy development
We developed three strategies to set out how we can improve people’s health, safety and well-being and tackle the climate emergency lives by reducing the dominance of vehicles on residential streets, encouraging more active travel, ensuring fair, safe access for pedestrians and cyclists, and improving our public spaces. We published these strategies in preparation and support for our initial public consultation.
LN policy consultation
We asked people to share their views on transport-related issues in their area to inform our Liveable Neighbourhoods policy. Using an online or printed survey and interactive map, people were invited to share the problems affecting their area.
LN policy consultation report
We published a summary of the public consultation responses and a report to Cabinet, resulting in the adoption of the policies.
Application for LN areas
We invited applications for Liveable Neighbourhoods from Ward councillors, receiving 48 applications from across the area.
Liveable Neighbourhoods (LNs) agreed
We submitted a report for approval by Council Cabinet on 23 June 2021. This report contains details of the following:
- A priority list of 15 Phase 1 Liveable Neighbourhood areas
- The criteria for selection and prioritising of areas
- The allocation of budget for schemes in these areas
Initial community engagement on LNs
We asked residents in 15 LN areas to identify key themes about their areas, such as what is good, what could be improved, and what sort of measures would have a positive impact on the community.
These measures included interventions such as traffic-calming, better cycle routes, safer crossings, wider pavements, and vehicle restrictions.
Initial community engagement report
We published the outcomes of our community engagement, which was used to inform the co-design process.
Co-design workshops with communities
We held workshops with residents in 15 Liveable Neighbourhoods. Issues and specific solutions were discussed in more detail by residents and the output was a longlist of ideas, presented on maps of the area.
We then invited attendees back to view the report and shortlist the measures that they would like to see included in a draft design.
Through-traffic restriction trials (2022 to 2024)
Working with ward members, we identified several locations where residents had expressed high levels of support for vehicle restrictions to tackle anti-social driving, speeding and through-traffic.
Where the measure was validated by the community at co-design workshops, we engaged residents on draft designs and then decided to proceed with three trials in Queen Charlton Lane (Whitchurch), Southlands (Weston) and Church Street (Widcombe) in November 2022
We have published a separate timeline of activity on these trials which were made permanent in February 2024, with links to consultation and monitoring reports.
View the project timeline for the through-traffic restriction trials 2022 to 2024
Draft design development
Drawing on the output from earlier consultations, co-design workshops and a technical review, we shortlisted residents’ priorities and prepared draft designs for each area to consider for inclusion in a full business case. Please continue reading to learn more.
Development of full business case
We worked closely with ward councillors to establish which of the LNs and shortlisted measures in the draft designs would bring most benefit to the community while also considering costs.
This exercise informed further shortlisting and the development of a full business case which was submitted to the West of England Combined Authority in summer 2024. The purpose is to secure the funding to install the schemes.
Funding for 11 of the 15 original schemes was approved on 20 September 2024 with proposed measured outlined in summary.
- View the press release on securing the grant from the FBC
- Read the Committee's report on the FBC on page 45 of the Agenda Report Pack which includes a link to the Liveable Neighbourhoods Full Business Case
Through-traffic restriction trials 2024 to 2025
On target
In January 2024, we decided to run five more experimental trials ahead of the wider programme.
Trials are running from spring/summer 2024 in the following locations:
A trial proposed for Lyme Road (Newbridge) was postponed.
They will run for a minimum of six months alongside public consultations. Please follow the links above for updates.
We have published a separate project timeline with links to the individual trial web pages and consultations.
Public engagement on overall LN designs
We are starting to engage 11 communities on the overall designs for LNs.
The measures were agreed in the full business case. The designs include individual measures that can be progressed independently of each other over time with different levels of consultation. Some measures may need experimental trials.
Public engagement on overall, preliminary designs ran from 20 January to 28 February in the following LN areas:
- Chelsea Road
- Entry Hill
- Church Street and Prior Park Road
- Southlands (Weston)
- Whitchurch village and Queen Charlton Lane
Public engagement on overall designs for the following areas will begin once decisions are made on existing through-traffic restriction trials and after May 2025:
- Lower Lansdown and The Circus (trials running)
- New Sydney Place and Sydney Road (trial running)
- Lyme Road and Charmouth Road (postponed trial)
- Temple Cloud area
Development of the London Road and Snow Hill LN area is currently postponed until further notice.
Public engagement on detailed designs
On target
Once we have analysed the feedback on preliminary LN designs, we will engage communities on more detailed designs.
In areas where we are currently running through-traffic restriction trials under experimental traffic regulation orders (ETROS), engagement on wider measures will be delayed.
Please see individual LN web pages for the status of your LN area.