This proposed Residents' Parking Zone (RPZ) has been revised to reflect the needs and wishes of local residents, as expressed in the feedback we received during our last consultation in May and June 2022.
Where the RPZ will apply
We are proposing to introduce a Residents' Parking Zone, with a new range of parking permits for the St John's, St Michael's and Hungerford Road area. Our map shows the boundary of the proposed zone.
Map of the St John's, St Michael's and Hungerford Road area Residents' Parking Zone boundary
How the RPZ will operate
Within the RPZ, we mark all parts of the road in one of the following ways:
- Permit Holder Only parking bays (unlimited duration parking)
- Dual Use parking bays (up to 2 or 3 hours parking for non-permit holders, or unlimited parking for permit holders)
- Waiting parking bays (up to 1 hour for any user)
- Parking restrictions (yellow lines) on parts of the road where there are no parking bays
We are proposing that the zone will operate from 8am to 6pm, 7 days a week, excluding Bank Holidays. Yellow line parking restrictions will operate at all times.
We have listened to your feedback
We have made a number of amendments to the proposals as a result of the feedback we received during the first stage of consultation. The changes are summarised below. We ask that residents and visitors to the area review the amendments to the scheme and use the online survey to tell us whether you support the proposal. Please do this, even if you responded to the initial consultation in May.
Whilst overall only 45% of people supported the proposal, analysis of feedback suggests that there was more support from residents living on streets with less off-street parking. Local ward councillors believe that there is support for a revised scheme which only covers the following areas:
- Hungerford Road
- St John's Road
- Locksbrook Road
- Part of St Michael's Road
- Part of Edward Street, as far as the changeover from terraced to semi-detached properties
The revised proposal for the St John’s Road, St Michael’s Road and Hungerford Road area RPZ includes the following changes:
- The proposed zone boundary has been revised to only include the terraced properties in St John’s Road, Hungerford Road, Locksbrook Road, part of Edward Street, and part of St Michaels’ Road.
- On the west side of St Michael’s Road, the 3 Resident Permit Holder bays proposed will become Dual Use, providing non-residents in this location with parking for up to 3 hours, with no return within 1 hour. This will accommodate visitors to St Michael’s Church, the cemetery, and local businesses off Upper Bristol Road.
- On St John’s Road, outside property 24, the road markings associated with the existing Advisory Disabled bay (identified as redundant) will be removed. The proposed Permit Holders Only parking would be extended through the redundant Disabled bay, providing an additional space for one vehicle.
- On the west side of St Michael's Road, the road markings associated with the Car Club bay (identified as redundant) have been removed. The bay is now proposed as Dual Use, providing non-residents with parking in this location for up to 3 hours, with no return within 1 hour.
- No-Waiting-at-Any-Time restrictions are proposed outside of the revised zone, on Audley Grove, St Michael’s Road, and Edward Street, to lessen the impact of any obstructive or inconsiderate parking which might arise, through displaced vehicles from the proposed zone.
For full details, please read the amendment report and view the detailed map below.
Read about the changes we have made
View the locations of bays and restrictions in detail
You can explore the details of the Traffic Regulation Order proposal on our interactive map below. We have decided the locations of proposed parking bays and parking restrictions, based on detailed safety assessments of the roads covered by the scheme, and your feedback from our previous consultation.