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Election of Mayor for West of England Combined Authority
Notice of Vacancy in Office of Councillor - Saltford Ward
Election of Councillors to Bath & North East Somerset Council Notice of Poll and Persons Nominated
Election of parish & town councillors Notice of Poll and Statement of Persons Nominated
Election of Mayor for West of England Combined Authority
Notice of Vacancy in Office of Councillor - Saltford Ward
Election of Councillors to Bath & North East Somerset Council Notice of Poll and Persons Nominated
Election of parish & town councillors Notice of Poll and Statement of Persons Nominated
Notice of Election - Parish and Town Councils in Bath and North East Somerset
Notice of Election - Bath & North East Somerset Council
UK general elections
Election results
Neighbourhood Planning referendums
Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) elections
West of England Combined Authority (WECA) elections
Town and parish council elections
B&NES Council elections
Types of election
Annual Canvass