Use this page to explore the current routes available for active travel throughout Bath and North East Somerset, and to contribute your own feedback and suggestions for future developments in our network.
View our current Active Travel network
The map below shows the routes and infrastructure across Bath and North East Somerset that we are planning to focus on in our Active Travel Masterplan.
Learn more about the different route types on the map
Give us your feedback
Our Active Travel Network is an ongiong project. We'd love to hear your thoughts on our network, and your suggestions for future development.
Tell us about these things
Think about these questions:
- Are there safety problems with any of the routes?
- Do you think there any missing routes?
- Do you think we should change the layout or route of any of these links?
This is a dedicated service for developing our Active Travel options. If you want to report a short-term hazard or maintenance issue with any route or public space in B&NES, please use our Fix My Street service.
How to comment
- You can view comments on the map without logging in. Just click on any map pin to see what others have suggested.
- You can upvote comments you agree with, to show us when an issue affects a number of people.
- You can't leave direct replies to other people's comments.
- To leave your own feedback, you'll need to provide an email address, and use this to verify your identity. This is a security measure to discourage automated or malicious posts. We will not display your details.
- Click on the route or area you want to comment on. This will drop a pin onto the online map. Or if you prefer, you can use the shape tools on the right hand side of the map to drawn a polygon, a rectangle or a circle, if you want to comment on an area. Answer the questions to leave your comment.
- Make sure you press the Submit button, or the system won't record your comment.
Updating our network
We'll be reviewing comments left on the interactive map regularly, and will use these to inform future decisions on our Active Travel network.
We are planning to update our map and plans periodically, so come back to this page in future to see how our work is progressing.