Census Theme Summary: Homes and Housing

This report summarises 2011 Census data for Bath and North East Somerset for the following tables:

KS104 - Living Arrangements

KS105 - Household Composition

KS107 - Lone Parent Households with Dependent Children

KS401 - Dwellings, Household Spaces and Accommodation Type

KS402 - Tenure

KS405 - Communal Establishment Residents

QS403 - Rooms, Bedrooms & Central Heating


Census 2011 - Small area data

A spreadsheet containing a selected range of data for small areas (Wards, Parishes, Output Areas, LSOAs) in Bath and North East Somerset.

Geographical Extent:
Bath and North East Somerset
Demography and Society

Census 2011 - Ward Profiling Tool

A spreadsheet containing visualisations of selected census data for wards in Bath and North East Somerset.

Census 2011 - Population Change at a glance

An infographic highlighting how the population has changed in different ways in the last 10 years across Bath and North East Somerset.

Census Theme Summary: Equalities

This report summarises 2011 Census data for Bath and North East Somerset for the following tables:

·         KS101 Usual Resident Population

·         KS102 Age Structure

·         KS103 Marital and Civil Partnership Status

·         KS201 Ethnic group

·         KS202 Multiple ethnic groups

·         KS203 National Identity

·         KS204 Country of Birth

·         KS205 Passports Held

·         KS206 Household Language

·         QS801 Year of Arrival in UK

·         QS802 Age of Arrival in UK

·         QS803 Length of Residence in UK

·         KS209 Religion

Geographical Extent:
Bath and North East Somerset
Demography and Society

Census Theme Summary: Work and Economy

This report summarises 2011 Census data for Bath and North East Somerset for the following tables:

KS601-603 Economic Activity (males and females)

KS604 Hours Worked

KS605-607 Industry (males and females)

KS608-610 Occupation (males and females)

KS611-613 NS-Sec (Socio-economic classification)(males and females)


Employment and the Economy

Census Theme Summary: Health and Society

This report summarises 2011 Census data for Bath and North East Somerset for the following tables:

KS404 - Car and Van Availability

KS301 - Health and Provision of Unpaid Care

KS106 - Adults not in employment and dependent children and persons

KS501 - Qualifications and Students 

Geographical Extent:
Bath and North East Somerset
Health and Wellbeing