Why is it important?
We want to ensure that those living in rural areas are given equal consideration in terms of accessing Bath as those who live in the city itself. We are committed to improving the connectivity of isolated rural communities.
As shown in the Where we Travel section, there are more commuting journeys into and out of Bath than within the city itself. The greatest inbound and outbound flows are from the wider B&NES area. The graph below shows the modal split of journeys to work for residents of rural B&NES. It shows that the overwhelming majority commute to work by car. Twinned with the scale of inbound and outbound commuting from the wider B&NES area, this highlights the need for more sustainable travel options on these key corridors.
Journeys to work from rural B&NES
As part of the consultation in early 2021, 41% of respondents considered connecting Bath to rural communities and market towns to be important, with safe cycle routes the most supported concept.
What are we doing about it?
Current projects
The projects that have been implemented, are in development, or are in progress are:
Future projects
The projects that we are looking to deliver in the future are: