Why is it important?
Bath’s road network occupies a large proportion of the city’s public space, but is dominated by motor vehicles. Streets are places where people and communities should be able to connect and interact.
Bath City Centre is a vibrant area, with significant movement activity and dynamic spaces. The city centre is considered to be accessible to residents and visitors alike, but the level of motor vehicle accessibility has traditionally been to the detriment of more sustainable modes of transport. Bath’s economy and residents rely on the efficient movement of goods in and out of the city. However, this must, and can, be done in a way that is not detrimental to quality of life, or the urban environment. The police have asked us to improve security by reducing vehicle accessibility to public spaces and key buildings. Although the primary objective is security, these changes are in line with our Liveable Neighbourhoods strategy.
Through more efficient use of road space, better-connected, healthier and more sustainable communities can be created. Public areas become desirable destinations, easily accessible by sustainable modes, not just thoroughfares, making them more vibrant and liveable places.
As part of our consultation in early 2021, re-allocation of road space, a network of key routes and removing traffic from the city centre were the most supported concepts, in delivering improved places to live and work. Around half of respondents considered it to be important to reduce Heavy Goods Vehicles (HGVs), with reducing road freight in the city centre, and implementation of zero-emission last-mile delivery services (meaning sustainable options such as cargo bikes completing the last part of longer light delivery journeys), being the most supported concepts.
The number of HGVs observed at various locations in Bath (12-hour, two-way counts)
What are we doing about it?
Current projects
These projects have been implemented, are in development, or are in progress:
- Bath Clean Air Zone
- Liveable Neighbourhoods (Phase 1)
- Bath City Centre Security Project
- Bath High Street Renewal Programme
- Freight consolidation, e-Cargo bike and last-mile delivery support
- M4 to Dorset Coast Connectivity Study
Future projects
The projects that we are looking to deliver in the future are:
- Innovative parking provision
- Sustainable transport and public realm improvements package
- Bath Top of Town Transport and Movement Study
- Milsom Quarter Masterplan
- Traffic cells
- Liveable Neighbourhoods - Next Generation
- Bath Clean Air Zone and Air Quality Management Area reviews
- Demand management
- Coach strategy
- Rail freight distribution site
- Road freight package