Approach to village site options
8.21 Options are set out below showing the relatively sustainable villages and what proportionate growth (nominally of 5%) over the Plan Period could mean, in terms of additional housing numbers, based on the number of dwellings existing in the village. We have included information on opportunities presented by each, as well as constraints that would need to be considered. There is also a question below relating to growth either being focused at the most sustainable of these villages (indicated with an asterisk *) or across all of the identified villages.
8.22 The villages identified as relatively sustainable, compared to others, are proposed to become the focus of attention for some rural growth. Our commitment is to engage with the community and parish council in these villages to explore the potential for modest growth, its location, and the associated benefits that such development could bring, such as meeting local housing needs or providing employment opportunities, helping to keep villages viable and sustainable. This modest development would be on large sites that would then be allocated for development in the Draft Local Plan and would be additional to any small 'windfall' sites (often sites for one or two dwellings) that might come forward within the Housing Development Boundary for each village. Opportunities outlined in the Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (HELAA) will be considered as a starting point for potential locations while also working closely with community representatives as the plan progresses to ensure that any development aligns with their aspirations while preserving the distinct character and vitality of each rural area.
8.23 It should be noted that site options relating to the villages of Saltford, Whitchurch, Farrington Gurney, Paulton and Peasedown St John are being addressed in the place-based chapters (6 and 7) of this document.
8.24 Should other villages wish to be considered for further growth, then there is the opportunity for them to respond through this consultation.
8.25 The council is also considering the potential for a new settlement to the south of Burnett, adjacent to the A39. It is proposed that this site is consulted on as a longer term option in the options document, with the potential to provide housing, employment space, and other uses, outside of the Local Plan period.
Assessment of potential village sites
8.26 Village options are set out below, followed by a map representing relative connectivity of different parts of B&NES.
In this village, 5% growth translates to 40 dwellings over the Plan Period.
Opportunities presented by this location
- High connectivity score
- Broad range of services and facilities
- Village excluded from but surrounded by the Green Belt and within the Cotswolds National Landscape. Allocation of greenfield site(s) for development adjoining the village would require exceptional circumstances to be demonstrated to remove the land from the Green Belt.
- Within indicative extent of the setting of the World Heritage Site
- Limited Primary School capacity
In this village, 5% growth translates to 63 dwellings over the Plan Period.
Opportunities presented by this location
- High connectivity score
- Broad range of services and facilities
- Village excluded from but surrounded by the Green Belt and within the Cotswolds National Landscape. Allocation of greenfield site(s) for development adjoining the village would require exceptional circumstances to be demonstrated to remove the land from the Green Belt.
- Within indicative extent of the setting of the World Heritage Site
- Limited Primary School capacity
In this village, 5% growth translates to 40 dwellings over the Plan Period.
Opportunities presented by this location
- High connectivity score
- Moderate range of services and facilities
- Some Primary School capacity identified
- Village inset from the Green Belt and lies within the Cotswolds National Landscape. Allocation of greenfield site(s) for development adjoining the village would require exceptional circumstances to be demonstrated to remove the land from the Green Belt.
- Within indicative extent of the setting of the World Heritage Site
In this village, 5% growth translates to 28 dwellings over the Plan Period.
Opportunities presented by this location
- Broad range of services and facilities
- Low connectivity score
- Village washed over by the Green Belt – development limited to infilling, limited affordable housing for local community needs, and redevelopment of previously developed land. Allocation of greenfield site(s) for development adjoining the village would require reviewing the status of the village as washed over by the Green Belt.
- Limited Primary School capacity
In this village, 5% growth translates to 21 dwellings over the Plan Period.
Opportunities presented by this location
- Moderate range of services and facilities
- Low connectivity score
- Village washed over by the Green Belt – development limited to infilling, limited affordable housing for local community needs, and redevelopment of previously developed land. Allocation of greenfield site(s) for development adjoining the village would require reviewing the status of the village as washed over by the Green Belt.
- Limited Primary School capacity
In this village, 5% growth translates to 35 dwellings over the Plan Period.
Opportunities presented by this location
- Moderate connectivity score
- Some Primary School capacity identified
- Limited range of services and facilities
- The northern edge of the village is in the Green Belt
In this village, 5% growth translates to 11 dwellings over the Plan Period.
Opportunities presented by this location
- Moderate connectivity score
- Limited range of services and facilities
- Within indicative extent of the setting of the World Heritage Site
- No Primary School
- Village washed over by the Green Belt – development limited to infilling, limited affordable housing for local community needs, and redevelopment of previously developed land. Allocation of greenfield site for development adjoining the village would require reviewing the status of the village as washed over by the Green Belt.
In this village, 5% growth translates to 28 dwellings over the Plan Period.
Opportunities presented by this location
- Moderate connectivity score
- Moderate range of services and facilities
- Village inset from the Green Belt. Allocation of greenfield site(s) for development adjoining the village would require 'exceptional circumstances' to be demonstrated to remove the land from the Green Belt.
- Limited Primary School capacity
In this village, 5% growth translates to 15 dwellings over the Plan Period.
Opportunities presented by this location
- High connectivity score
- Moderate range of services and facilities
- Limited Primary School capacity
- Village washed over by the Green Belt – development limited to infilling, limited affordable housing for local community needs, and redevelopment of previously developed land. Allocation of greenfield site for development adjoining the village would require reviewing the status of the village as washed over by the Green Belt.
- Village within the Cotswolds National Landscape
In this village, 5% growth translates to 45 dwellings over the Plan Period.
Opportunities presented by this location
- Moderate connectivity score
- Moderate range of services and facilities
- The North West, North and North East edges of High Littleton village are surrounded by the Green Belt.
- Limited Primary School capacity
In this village, 5% growth translates to 25 dwellings over the Plan Period.
Opportunities presented by this location
- Moderate range of services and facilities
- Low connectivity score
- Village washed over by the Green Belt – development limited to infilling, limited affordable housing for local community needs, and redevelopment of previously developed land. Allocation of greenfield site(s) for development adjoining the village would require reviewing the status of the village as washed over by the Green Belt.
- Limited Primary School capacity
In this village, 5% growth translates to 33 dwellings over the Plan Period.
Opportunities presented by this location
- Moderate range of services and facilities
- Some Primary School capacity identified
- Low connectivity score
- Village within the Mendip Hills National Landscape
In this village, 5% growth translates to 30 dwellings over the Plan Period.
Opportunities presented by this location
- Moderate connectivity score
- Broad range of services and facilities
- Limited Primary School capacity
- Air Quality Management Area (view Temple Cloud Air Quality Action Plan)
In this village, 5% growth translates to 59 dwellings over the Plan Period.
Opportunities presented by this location
- Moderate connectivity score
- Broad range of services and facilities
- Some Primary School capacity identified
- The northern edge of the village is in the Green Belt
Relative connectivity in areas of B&NES
Discussion questions
Question 1: Approach to rural development locations
Do you agree with this approach to potential development locations in rural areas? Do you think we should aim to concentrate new development in the most sustainable villages (marked with an asterisk *), or spread it across all identified villages? Please give reasons for your answer.
Question 2: Assessment of priority villages
Is our assessment of these priority areas appropriate and effective? Is there anything else you think we should consider? Please give reasons for your answer.