Journey to Net Zero final report
Journey to Net Zero final report
The Journey to Net Zero plan outlines projects that will support us on our journey to carbon neutrality. In this plan we have considered at a high level the potential scale of carbon reduction that the future projects could deliver.
In March 2019, B&NES declared a Climate Emergency, which included a commitment to become carbon neutral by 2030. Transport currently accounts for 29% of carbon emissions in the B&NES area. The Journey to Net Zero plan provides a holistic approach for meeting the transport needs of those living, working and visiting Bath from 2020 onwards. The plan identifies how transport will respond to and support delivery of the targets set out in the Climate Emergency.
In April 2020, the Transport Delivery Action Plan Phase 1: Current and Future Report (Current and Future Report) was published by B&NES, setting out the current and future situation for transport into, out of and around Bath, and the need for significant and focused improvements. The report looks at the ways in which we currently travel, and provides the evidence base that underpins the consideration of future transport measures set out in this plan.
Combined, the Current and Futures Report and Journey to Net Zero transport plan identifies the challenges that Bath faces in terms of transport both now and in the future, and also the measures required to overcome these to support the realisation of the Councils’ core policy theme to tackle the climate and ecological emergency.
The documents below provide useful background information on the Journey to Net Zero plan.
- View the evidence base for this document, the Transport Delivery Action Plan for Bath Phase 1, published in August 2020 (also called the Current and Future Report).
- View the report from our public consultation on this draft plan, January to March 2021.
- View the report from our public consultation on this draft plan, January to February 2022.
- View Appendix B, January to February 2022.
How to access and study the documents
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Last updated 03 October 2023