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Street trees project consultation

Have your say

What we are consulting on

We are consulting on the proposed planting sites as part of the winter 2022/2023 Street Tree Project.

We would like your feedback on the sites that are relevant to you, whether you support, partially support or oppose our plans for any of the locations, as well as any general feedback on the overall project. 

View the locations we are consulting on

Who we are consulting and why

We are consulting everyone who lives, works or visits the proposed planting sites within Bath and North East Somerset.

It is vital that we collect feedback from as many people as possible that will be affected by the proposed tree planting. This will enable us to understand how people feel about the proposals and help us shape the future of our plans.

Respond to the consultation online

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If you have any specific queries about the proposals, please email or call Council Connect on 01225 394041

What happens next

This consultation will be open until 5pm, 3 October 2022. When it has closed, we will publish the results on our website.

If the proposals receive enough support, we will use your responses to inform the next phase of project design in preparation to make our bid for funding.

View the project timeline for an overview of how we expect the scheme to progress.