View our service specific Privacy Notices
188 results
The information below will help you to understand what we will do with the personal information that you have provided as part of the consultation…
Date updated:Privacy PolicyTo ensure that cycling training can be organised and delivered safely to enrolled children, including the provision of extra support to those who…
Date updated:SchoolsWe want to reduce engine idling to reduce pollution and improve air quality and people's health. The privacy information below is to help you to…
Date updated:Roads, travel, and transport, Public HealthBath and North East Somerset Council is committed to protecting your personal data and privacy. This privacy notice explains how we collect, use, and…
Date updated:The information below will help you to understand what we will do with the personal information that you have provided as part of the consultation…
Date updated:We are asking for your information so that we can build a network of testers for the new 5g network being rolled out in Bath city centre.
Date updated:Privacy PolicyWe only use the information provided in the nomination form for the Community Awards and in associated publicity.
Date updated:Privacy PolicyThe attendance and welfare team are committed to ensuring the privacy and protection of personal data. Our service is responsible for collating…
Date updated:Schools, Privacy PolicyThe information we collect from you will help us keep in touch with you to notify you about Library Services including events or activities, and to…
Date updated:The Special Education Needs and Disabilities (SEND) 0-25 service is responsible for carrying out duties under the Children and Families Act 2014 in…
Date updated:Privacy Policy, Children, young people and families