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Travel, transport, and roads
Creating Sustainable Communities Programme
View and comment on Active Travel routes
Active Travel Masterplan
SVL newsletter sign up
Creating Sustainable Communities Programme
View and comment on Active Travel routes
Active Travel Masterplan
SVL newsletter sign up
Wellsway and Bear Flat
Project development timeline
How to take part in the consultation
Summary of improvements by location
Walking, wheeling and cycling improvements
Bus infrastructure improvements
Mobility hubs
What Somer Valley Links means for you
Somer Valley Links
Lyncombe Vale Link: public consultation
Ralph Allen Link: public consultation
Redfield Road and Clapton Road walking route improvement scheme: public consultation
Bath Air Quality Action Plan 2024 to 2029 - public consultation
Scholars' Way
Glossary of types of improvements (Somer Valley Links)
Bath Walking, Wheeling, and Cycling Links scheme
Take part in an on-street parking TRO consultation
Take part in an on-street parking TRO consultation
Apply for a temporary bus stop closure
Creating Sustainable Communities: Journey to Net Zero
Creating Sustainable Communities: Whitchurch Village
Creating Sustainable Communities: Hicks Gate
Creating Sustainable Communities: Somer Valley
Creating Sustainable Communities: Keynsham and Saltford
Consultation on A368 speed limit changes
2024/25 parking charge review consultation
Bath's Clean Air Zone
Oldfield Park and Westmoreland RPZ: ETRO consultation (Additional short-stay visitor bays)
Emission-based car parking charges in Bath car parks
Somer Valley Enterprise Zone: Revised statutory consultation on modifications to Local Development Order (Planning Reference: 23/00076/LDO)
Take part in a TRO consultation
Bike hangar installation consultation
Queen Charlton through-traffic restriction trial (ETRO consultation)
Southlands through-traffic restriction trial (ETRO consultation)
Church Street through-traffic restriction trial (ETRO consultation)
Off Street Parking - Review of parking and permit charges
Queen Charlton Lane through-traffic restriction proposal
Southlands through-traffic restriction proposal
Tennyson Road through-traffic restriction proposal
Church Street through-traffic restriction proposal
Taxi fares consultation
A37 and A367 Corridor Survey
Bristol to Bath Corridor
Bath City Centre Security consultation update
Transport Delivery Action Plan for Bath consultation
Bath River Line: river parks and towpath improvements
Liveable Neighbourhoods consultation