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Clean and Green Bath & North East Somerset

Use this page to find out more about how we are keeping public spaces clean and green, and how you can get involved.

We are investing an additional £1million in neighbourhood services, including the following:

  • More street cleaning
  • Our ‘Clean and Green’ team, responding to issues reported by residents

Expand the sections below to find out more about what we are doing, and how you can get involved.

Weed removal

As part of our response to the Climate and Ecological Emergency we have stopped using the chemical weedkiller glyphosate to control the growth of weeds and street plants. We are investing in additional staff and equipment to carry out the more manual and mechanical weed removal.

As a result of this change in policy, you may see more weeds growing on footways and in channels. We are balancing the benefits to the environment and keeping public spaces attractive and safe to use. We will continue to prioritise removing weeds where they are causing safety issues, such as:

  • obstructing routes for pedestrians and cyclists
  • blocking drainage channels and increasing flood risk
  • damaging paving or roads

You can use our website to report problem weeds to us, and you can find out more about our greener approach to the maintenance of public streets on our web page.


Within B&NES there are lots of dedicated volunteers helping to keep their local areas Clean and Green through activities such as litter picking and weed removal. We’d like to thank everyone for their time and effort.

As part of the Clean and Green funding we have provided each of the No Place for Litter hubs with hoes, brushes, and shovels to help community volunteers carry out street tidying and weed removal in their local area. Please visit our Organise a litter pick web page if you would like to borrow them.

If you would like to become a local hub in your community for litter picking and weed removal equipment, please email

Graffiti removal

Council buildings, road signs, benches, or litter bins

You can use our website to report problem graffiti on a council building, road sign, bench, or litter bin to us.

Fly tipping, littering and dog fouling

Fly tipping

Last year, Clean and Green invested in additional deployable cameras and signage to use across the district, especially in heavily littered laybys, to catch people littering and fly tipping. In 2023/24, we have also employed an additional Environmental Enforcement Officer.

You can use our website to report fly tipping to us.

Dog fouling

Have you witnessed dog walkers not clearing up after their dog? We really want to collect information about where this is happening regularly, so that we can better target our enforcement resources. If you see this happening on a regular basis in your neighbourhood, tell us about it. Please include your contact details at the start of the report, in case we need to contact you to find out more information.

You can use Fix my Street to report dog fouling to us.

Highways maintenance and drainage

Clean and Green funding will help to reverse inflationary pressure put on budgets for road maintenance and the filling of grit bins.

Gully emptying

We already empty 22,000 gullies a year, but as part of the Clean and Green campaign we will be able to empty gullies more frequently in priority locations.

You can use our website to report a blocked gully to us.